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Name scoping fails with <drake:child> SDF tag [Drake 1.19.0]

Is it possible to use a scoped name inside the <drake:child> SDF tag? I would like to attach a link from another model to a link in the current model with a planar joint, but Drake throws an error when I try to do this. This appears to be the case with <drake:parent> as well.

<model name="test">

  <link name="b">

  <!-- Works, but I want this to be a planar joint -->
  <joint name="b_to_robot" type="fixed">

  <!-- Doesn't work: 'Frame 'robot::iiwa_link_0' specified for <drake:child> does not exist in the model' -->
  <drake:joint name="b_to_a" type="planar">
    <drake:damping>0.0 0.0 0.0</drake:damping>

Am I doing something incorrectly, is this a bug, or is this something that is not currently supported?


  • Thanks for the question. I've just started looking into this, but my first impressions are leaning towards "bug". I'll update here with further findings.