I have to write some aggregation using MQL. The case is:
Sample records are shown below.
"thread" : "war conference",
"message" : "stop",
"sentInMilli": 1696858510000, // oldest message in war conference
"statuses": [ {"readInMilli": 1696858547857} ]
"thread" : "economic conference",
"message" : "welcome on economic conference",
"sentInMilli": 1696858520000, // newest message in economic conference
"statuses": [ {"readInMilli": 1696858547857} ]
"thread" : "war conference",
"message" : "the war",
"sentInMilli": 1696858530000, // newest message in war conference
"statuses": [ ]
What I want to do is to display data about threads. To be more specific I need to know which thread have unread messages. As you can see in the example above, there are 2 threads: war conference
and economic conference
So after my supposable aggregation I want to get that kind of records:
"thread": "war conference",
"timeInMilliOfNewestMessage": 1696858530000,
"containsUnreadMessages": true
"thread": "economic conference",
"timeInMilliOfNewestMessage": 1696858520000,
"containsUnreadMessages": false
My current pseudo-query:
"$match": { } // my other conditions...
"$group": {
"_id": "thread",
"timeInMilliOfNewestMessage": {"$max": "$sentInMilli"},
"containsUnreadMessages": {
"$count": {
"statuses": {
"$elemMatch": {
"readInMilli": { "$exists": false }
As you can see, I have an idea to firstly count all messages that are already read. Then I would like to convert it to boolean ones.
I got this error:
Unrecognized expression '$elemMatch'
I know this syntax is invalid but I don't know why :/
Maybe what I want to achieve is impossible in the group section?
Could someone help me with that?
As you are using MongoDB v4.0+, one of the possible solutions is to $min
the array size of statuses
and check for whether it is 0 or not
"$group": {
"_id": "$thread",
"timeInMilliOfNewestMessage": {
"$max": "$sentInMilli"
"containsUnreadMessages": {
"$min": {
$size: "$statuses"
"$addFields": {
"containsUnreadMessages": {
"$cond": {
"if": {
$eq: [
"then": true,
"else": false