I've been trying to learn the basics of Haskell in my spare time, but I've been stuck on debugging this little program that takes integer inputs from the user, converts them into a list of Int
module Main where
lines_to_words_impl :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
lines_to_words_impl output_words input_lines =
if null input_lines then output_words
else lines_to_words_impl (output_words ++ (words (head input_lines))) (tail input_lines)
lines_to_words :: [String] -> [String]
lines_to_words input_lines =
lines_to_words_impl [] input_lines
words_to_ints_impl :: [Int] -> [String] -> [Int]
words_to_ints_impl output_ints input_words =
if null input_words then output_ints
else words_to_ints_impl (output_ints ++ (read (head input_words))) (tail input_words)
words_to_ints :: [String] -> [Int]
words_to_ints input_words =
words_to_ints_impl [] input_words
load_ints_from_input :: String -> [Int]
load_ints_from_input input =
words_to_ints (lines_to_words (lines input))
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Now, I just grab and try to print the first integer,
-- which is enough to cause the read/parse error:
user_input <- getContents
putStrLn (show (head (load_ints_from_input user_input)))
But when I input some numbers it always provide the same run-time error:
Prelude.read: no parse
In my spare time over the past month I've been continually stumped. The only place I use the read
function is on line 19, and its input is the head
of input_words
, which we know is non-empty because of where we are in the if statement - and it really should be just 7
given the example inputs in the godbolt link. From what I can tell I'm using the read function correctly (see hoogle) to read an integer string and parse it to an Int
Could someone kindly point out why this parse error is occurring?
The basic reason is that Haskell thinks you are parsing a list of Int
s, since you use:
output_ints ++ (read (head input_words))
so the type of read (head input_words)
should be [Int]
, you can wrap it into a singleton list:
output_ints ++ [read (head input_words)]
to solve the problem.
But this can be done more efficiently and readable with map
lines_to_words :: [String] -> [String]
lines_to_words = concatMap words
words_to_ints :: [String] -> [Int]
words_to_ints = map read
load_ints_from_input :: String -> [Int]
load_ints_from_input = words_to_ints . lines_to_words . lines
main :: IO ()
main = do
user_input <- getContents
print (head (load_ints_from_input user_input))