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SWIG C++ to Python: Initialize class by struct reference not working

I have a C++ library that contains a class that is constructed using a reference to a struct:


className::className (params& pars): memberInitList 
//some code that modifies state of params

My swig interface file looks like


%module MyLibrary
     #include "myclass.hpp"

%include "include/myclass.hpp"

according to section 33.3.9 of the SWIG documentation, SWIG should be able to handle this case just fine, but when executing the resulting python package, I get the error:

TypeError: in method 'new_className', argument 1 of type 'params &'

SWIG should be able to handle the pass-by-reference just fine, so I'm not sure what is the issue here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

edit: I have already looked around the internet for possible solutions, including the SWIG documentation, but no solution has worked. I have tried

%include <typemaps.i>
%apply params &INPUT { params& params}
Binary::Binary(params& params)

but this doesnt work.

edit: MWE Heres a very minimal working example that is the basic working of my code and reproduces exactly my error:


#ifndef included
#define included
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using high_prec_t=double; //boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float<25>;
struct tmpStruct {
    high_prec_t x { 0. };
    std::string y { "hello" };
    int z { 0 };
    std::vector<high_prec_t> w{};
    double f{0.};
class tmpClass
        high_prec_t m_x;
        std::string m_y;
        int m_z;
        std::vector<high_prec_t> m_w;
        double m_f;
    tmpClass(tmpStruct& myStruct);

    high_prec_t myFun();


#include "example.hpp"
#include <iostream>
tmpClass::tmpClass(tmpStruct& myStruct): m_x { myStruct.x }, m_y { myStruct.y }, m_z { myStruct.z }, m_w { myStruct.w }{ m_f = myStruct.f; };
high_prec_t tmpClass::myFun()
    return m_f*m_x;


%module example
    #include "example.hpp"
%include "example.hpp"


  • ah, I figured out the issue thanks to this similar question. the issue was, in the python interpreter, I was not calling the struct as


    but rather


    so the structure was not being initialized. Initializing the structure properly and passing it to the class constructor works as intended.