Someone needs to send a JSON file to my ASP.NET webapp, representing a Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Models.ImportedDeviceIdentity.
Here is my controller action:
public IActionResult HandleImportDeviceIdentity([FromBody] Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Models.ImportedDeviceIdentity importDeviceIdentity)
return Ok();
I am using MSGraphSDKDotNet v5 with ASP.NET (.NET Core 7).
If I send a JSON file like this:
"importedDeviceIdentityType": "serialNumber",
"importedDeviceIdentifier": "TEST9999",
"description": "TEST999"
...then my importDeviceIdentity object is not properly initialized (it is set to null).
But if I use the numeric value for the importedDeviceIdentityType Enum like:
"importedDeviceIdentityType": 2,
"importedDeviceIdentifier": "TEST9999",
"description": "TEST999"
...all is working fine.
I wasn't able to understand why ASP.Net was unable to bind the Enum string representation to the integer value, even if the ImportedDeviceIdentity object inherits from IParsable.
I don't won't to write a custom JSON converter, nor I would like to use cheap solution, such as binding to a string and de-serializing using the object methods (CreateFromDiscriminatorValue and Co...)
Seems I lack something like [JsonConverter(typeof(JsonStringEnumConverter))] on the Enum, but as the class was not defined by myself, I cannot do that. There is also no "@odata.type" attribute on the payload my controller will receive (not sure if this is relevant).
How can I convert the string representation properly during the model binding step?
By default, enums are serialized as numbers. To serialize enum names as strings, use the JsonStringEnumConverter
Globally register it in Program.cs like below:
builder.Services.AddControllersWithViews().AddJsonOptions(opts =>
var enumConverter = new JsonStringEnumConverter();