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How can I send ModelAttribute from HTML (Thymeleaf) to controller

My BookController:

public String showBook(Model model, @PathVariable("id") Integer id, @ModelAttribute("review") Review review){
    if(bookService.findOne(id).isPresent()) {
        model.addAttribute("book", bookService.findOne(id).get());
        model.addAttribute("currentUser", SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName());
        return "/books/show";
    return "redirect:/books";

I want to send this current Book object to CardController and get it in CardController. How I can do that?

I made a form, but I don't know how to send an object

<form th:unless="${#strings.equals(currentUser, 'anonymousUser')}" th:method="POST" th:action="@{/card}">
<button id="add-button" class="fw primary" type="submit">Add book to the card.</button>


  • You have modeled showBook() as a GET method so you don't need or want to use a form and POST, a link will do the trick and is more appropriate. Try:

    <a id="add-button" class="fw primary" th:href="@{/books/{id}(id=${})}">Add book to the card.</a>

    This assumes you have @RequestMapping("/books") on the controller class and the page from which you are creating the link has access to a book in the model that has an id attribute.

    If you want a button instead of a link style the link accordingly.