A guidance request here.
I have a rest API query that is querying Azure loganalytics workspace/application via powershell (v7.3.4). this is my query (modified for sharing here):
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $appKey -AsPlainText -Force
$mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($appId, $secpasswd)
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Tenant "myTenantId" -Credential $mycreds
$res=Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $resource
$headers=@{"Authorization"="Bearer "+$res.Token}
#"timespan" = "P90";
"query" = "app('22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222').customEvents
| where name == 'ItemProcessed'
| where timestamp < now(-0d) and timestamp > now(-5d)
| project timestamp, customDimensions, customMeasurements
| extend TimeProperties = strcat('{"DateTimeStamp":"',timestamp,'"}'), customDimensions,customMeasurements
| project TimeProperties,customDimensions,customMeasurements"
} | ConvertTo-Json
$c = Invoke-RestMethod 'https://api.applicationinsights.io/v1/workspaces/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/query' -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
$c.tables | ConvertTo-Json
the powershell script is being run from VSCode 1.77.3 and it is flagging the following parse error:
ParserError: C:\Users\aquader\OneDrive - Nice Systems Ltd\Documents\ps\StackOverFlowApiQueryHelp.ps1:17:49
Line |
17 | … = strcat('{"DateTimeStamp":"',timestamp,'"}'), customDimensions,custo …
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Unexpected token 'DateTimeStamp":"',timestamp,'"}'), customDimensions,customMeasurements | project TimeProperties,customDimensions,customMeasurements"' in expression or statement.
Is there a more elegant way of passing the following in the $body?
| extend TimeProperties = strcat('{"DateTimeStamp":"',timestamp,'"}'), customDimensions,customMeasurements
the kql query runs fine:
I need to pass the timestamp info as a JSON key/val
I also received the same "unexpected token" error when I tried in my environment.
The issue is that the object getting through the body is improper. So, create a hashtable for the timeproperties
object with @{}
You can create a multiline string for the Kusto Query Language query while keeping formatting by placing the @
before the string.
Refer here to create a hashtable by @Doctor Scripto.
I modified your code as below:
$secpwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $appKey -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($appId, $secpwd)
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Tenant "TenantID" -Credential $creds
$res=Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $resource
$headers=@{"Authorization"="Bearer "+$res.Token}
$body = @{
"query" = @"app('xxxxxxxx').customEvents
| where name == 'ItemProcessed'
| where timestamp < now(-0d) and timestamp > now(-5d)
| project timestamp, customDimensions, customMeasurements
| extend TimeProperties = @{
DateTimeStamp = timestamp
}, customDimensions, customMeasurements
| project TimeProperties, customDimensions, customMeasurements
} | ConvertTo-Json
Refer MSDoc for the relevant information.