I need to send messages at specific time in discord chat.
I use both discord
and schedule
base code. I use the function send_schedule_message to send the message. from a list called schedule_messages, I parse the time and message I want to send. However, nothing is happening at the said time without errors.
schedule_messages = { "11:55": "Mine Clearence", "19:55": "Golemore", "01:49": "Daily reset" }async def send_scheduled_message(message):
channel_id = 1160338542329860116
channel = client.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel is not None:
await channel.send(message)
print(f"Channel with ID {channel_id} not found.")
for time_str, message in schedule_messages.items():
schedule.every().day.at(time_str, timezone('Europe/London')).do(asyncio.run, send_scheduled_message, message)
Your while True:
loop at the end will not be run because the client.run
will not return. It will hang until the bot disconnects.
You can use discord.ext.tasks
which is the official way of running background tasks.
The documentation gives details on how to use a Cog
approach. Since you seem to be using discord.Client
rather than discord.ext.commands.Bot
, you probably want to do something like this:
import asyncio
import schedule
from discord import Client, Intents
from discord.ext import tasks
client = Client(intents=Intents.all())
async def send_scheduled_message(message):
channel_id = 1160338542329860116
channel = client.get_channel(channel_id) or await client.fetch_channel(channel_id)
if channel is not None:
await channel.send(message)
print(f"Channel with ID {channel_id} not found.")
def run_async(coro, *args):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
# replace with your schedules
schedule.every().second.do(run_async, send_scheduled_message, 'test this')
async def loop():
async def on_ready():
print('Starting schedule loop.')
except RuntimeError:
# loop already started
The run_async
function is required because you cannot call asyncio.run
when an event loop is already started by discord.py. It gets the current event loop and runs send_scheduled_message
inside it.
The loop
function is the loop managed by discord.py. It's started in on_ready