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Why is my Debugger in VSCode not working with Rust after Mac Update to Sonoma 14.0

I am running into an error with using VSCode's debugger for my Rust projects. It worked before the OS update, but now I am running into an issue. My Mac is a 2019 Macbook Pro with a x86 chip.

To illustrate what is going wrong I created a simple Rust project with just hello world.

enter image description here

It compiles just file, but when I hit the Debug above main I get this in by Debug Console

Console is in 'commands' mode, prefix expressions with '?'.
Launching: /Users/my_account/Desktop/test/target/debug/test
Launched process 5903
Process exited with code -1.

Also, I've noticed when I first open VSCode, rust analyzer is this odd color and it states Failed to spawn one or more proc-macro servers, but when I hit reload workspace it's returns to the original blue color of my of editor.


enter image description here


enter image description here

When I look into the Output tab in VSCode, it states nothing for the Rust Analyzer, so I am assuming that this means everything is OK on the Rust Analyzer side of things?

What I have tried:

  • Reinstalling Rust
  • Updating Rust via rustup
  • reinstalling rust analyzer
  • Making this simple project seeing if it was a set up issue.
  • Updated command line tools
  • Updated LLDB

Any help is greatly appreciated! : )


  • Deleting ~/.vscode/extensions/vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.10.0/lldb/bin/debugserver worked for me.

    The comments on github indicate that this forces the codelldb plugin to fallback to using the system debugserver.
