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AppIntents issue when importing UIKit and using an Image for caseDisplayRepresentations of AppEnum

I’m creating a simple AppIntents Shortcut that requires UIKit to open a URL in my app. Though, once I add the import UIKit to my file, Xcode shows me the following warning at the caseDisplayRepresentations, because I use an image for the display repreentations. Without importing UIKit (or without the image for the DisplayRepresentations) everything works fine! Any ideas how to fix that?

Expected a direct call to the Image initializer, got Swift.Optional<AppIntents.DisplayRepresentation.Image> instead

Xcode Warning Screenshot

The Code

import AppIntents
import UIKit

enum AppView: Int, AppEnum {
    case tab1
    case tab2
    static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "View")
    static var caseDisplayRepresentations: [AppView : DisplayRepresentation] = [
        .tab1: DisplayRepresentation(title: "Tab 1",
                                     image: .init(systemName: "")),
        .tab2: DisplayRepresentation(title: "Tab 2",
                                     image: .init(systemName: ""))

// MARK: - Intent
struct OpenAppIntent: AppIntent {
    static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Open App"
    static let description: IntentDescription = "Opens the app in the given view."
    // Launches app when action is triggered
    static let openAppWhenRun: Bool = true
    // App View Parameter
    @Parameter(title: "View",
               description: "The view inside the app.",
               default: .tab1,
               requestValueDialog: "Where would you like to navigate to?")
    var view: AppView
    // Shortcuts Action Text
    static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary {
        Summary("Open \(\.$view)")
    func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
        if let url = URL(string: "myapp://\(view)") {
        return .result()


  • As I can see, when UIKit was imported, it changed the Image default initializer from returning Image to Optional<Image>.

    Please focus on the Quick Help. Before After

    You can solve this issue by force unwrapping the image (not recommended)

    .init(systemName: "")!

    or by helping Xcode specify your selected initializer.

    .init(systemName: "", isTemplate: false)