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Filter data while reading it from SQL server based on prior dataframe value

I have two massive tables that are on Azure SQL servers that I am trying to get into my notebook. The first table is filtered on date, but to filter the second table, I need to find the minimum of the primary key of the second table, and import it. Basically this is what I am trying:

val date = "make_date(2023,06,01)"

val TableA="sqlserver.dbo.table1")

val min = spark.sql("""select min(columnA) as mincolA from TableA""".stripMargin)

val TableB ="sqlserver.dbo.tableB")
.filter(expr("columnA >="+min))

This is giving me the following error when trying to filter:


columnA >= [min: bigint]

How can i fix this? Any help is much appreciated! I don't want to pull in a billion records if it can be avoided


  • In provided code, type of val min is Dataframe (not a date). For get date, getAs[Date] can be used:

    val min = spark.sql("""select min(columnA) as mincolA from TableA""".stripMargin)