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chromadb fails to load index on Azure App Service created using Linux OS, Python 3.11 runtime due to sqlite3 version incompatibility

As we know - sqlite3 is typically part of python's standard library

We did a comparison for sqlite3 version found b/w Azure App Service and Local Windows Machine, while both having same Python 3.11 version

Created an Azure App Service with below options:

OS: Linux
Runtime: Python 3.11 (3.11.4)
App Service Plan: Free
Region: East US

Published this code snippet wrapped inside a web app on App Service:

import sqlite3

We executed the same code in local windows machine (Python 3.11) as well.

The results are as follows:

  • Sqlite3 version on Azure App Service is: 3.34.1 which is pretty old, Follow this link
  • Sqlite3 version on local windows machine is: 3.39.4 which is still recent, if not the latest

Because of this version gap, certain library such as chromadb which needs sqlite3 >= 3.35.0 fails to create index on Azure App Service.

Could someone explain this gap in sqlite3 version b/w Azure App Service vs Local Windows (using open-source python distribution), despite both having same Python 3.11 version, and how could we upgrade sqlite3 version on App Service

Thanks in advance.


  • I've resolved this issue. The steps are listed at the following link: