I have a fact data table which shows sell data (price, units, volume, and so on) I need to add to the actual dataframe the same columns but with the name "prev_year" at the end of it, showing the previos year values from the same row in the same period and previous year. something like this:
+---------+------+------+-----------+------------------+---------------------+ |year|period|sales_unit|sales_value|sales_unit_prev_year|sales_value_prev_year| +---------+------+------+-----------+------------------+---------------------+ | 2023| 1| 50| 15| 45| 14| | 2023| 2| 55| 16| 50| 15| | 2022| 1| 45| 14| 0| 0| | 2022| 2| 50| 15| 0| 0| | 2021| 1| 40| 13| 0| 0|
I tried this the code below but only display in year column the value 2020 and the period 12 for some reason.
lag_years = 1
lag_window_spec = Window.partitionBy("period").orderBy("years")
fact_data_columns = ["sales_unit", "sales_value"] # they're more columns but only add these 2 for the example
lagged_columns = []
for col_name in fact_data_columns:
lagged_col_name = f"{col_name}_prev_year"
lagged_columns.append(lag(col(col_name), lag_years).over(lag_window_spec).alias(lagged_col_name))
result = fact_data_df.select("*", *lagged_columns)
Create a dataframe corresponding to the previous year values from fact data columns by adding the lag_years
to the year
lag_years = 1
fact_data_cols = ["sales_unit", "sales_value"]
prev = df.withColumn('year', F.col('year') + lag_years)
# prev.show()
# +----+------+----------+-----------+
# |year|period|sales_unit|sales_value|
# +----+------+----------+-----------+
# |2024| 1| 50| 15|
# |2024| 2| 55| 16|
# |2023| 1| 45| 14|
# |2023| 2| 50| 15|
# |2022| 1| 40| 13|
# +----+------+----------+-----------+
Rename the fact data columns in the previous year dataframe by adding _prev_year
prev = prev.select('year', 'period', *[F.col(c).alias(f'{c}_prev_year') for c in fact_data_cols])
# prev.show()
# +----+------+--------------------+---------------------+
# |year|period|sales_unit_prev_year|sales_value_prev_year|
# +----+------+--------------------+---------------------+
# |2024| 1| 50| 15|
# |2024| 2| 55| 16|
# |2023| 1| 45| 14|
# |2023| 2| 50| 15|
# |2022| 1| 40| 13|
# +----+------+--------------------+---------------------+
Join the dataframes
result = df.join(prev, on=['year', 'period'], how='left')
# result.show()
# +----+------+----------+-----------+--------------------+---------------------+
# |year|period|sales_unit|sales_value|sales_unit_prev_year|sales_value_prev_year|
# +----+------+----------+-----------+--------------------+---------------------+
# |2023| 1| 50| 15| 45| 14|
# |2023| 2| 55| 16| 50| 15|
# |2022| 1| 45| 14| 40| 13|
# |2022| 2| 50| 15| null| null|
# |2021| 1| 40| 13| null| null|
# +----+------+----------+-----------+--------------------+---------------------+