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Is there a way to output code chunk with stan formatting, reading file from R?

I've got a Stan model that I'd like to include in a Quarto doc (without copying/pasting code over). Currently, I can do this with:


This gives the stan code, but formatted as a character string output from R --- is there a way to apply Stan's syntax highlighting to the output? This gives an example of outputting bash formatting, but I've been unable thus far to recreate with stan.


  • Try with the chunk option #| class-output: stan and use cat(readLines("<filename.ext>"), sep = "\n").

    title: Test
    format: html
    #| class-output: stan
    #| echo: false
    cat(readLines("test.stan"), sep = "\n")

    However, in Quarto there is a more easy way to do that using the quarto extension include-code-files.

    title: Test
    format: html
       - include-code-files
    ```{.stan include="test.stan"}


    stan code with syntax highlighting


    data {
      int<lower=0> N;
      vector[N] x;
      vector[N] y;
    parameters {
      real alpha;
      real beta;
      real<lower=0> sigma;
    model {
      y ~ normal(alpha + beta * x, sigma);