I'm trying to ask turtles in my NetLogo model to average other turtles' variables and save that average to a new variable. When I try to run my code setup, I get the following error:
MEAN expected input to be a list but got the number #### instead.
(NOTE: the #### is a random float that varies each time the model setup is run.)
The way the model runs at setup:
The org-effects-mean process is what is breaking.
The error notification is signaling I need to pass a list to mean, which I know I'm not doing with the code as presented. To clarify: I don't really know or understand how to pass a list of variable values across a set of turtles to mean in the operation org-effects-mean
breed [ districts district ]
turtles-own [ linked mydistrict opinion org-influence-opinion ]
districts-own [ district-id district-patches district-turtles ]
patches-own [ pdistrict ]
globals [ num-districts ]
to setup
set num-districts 4
create-turtles 100
ask turtles [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set linked one-of [ 0 1 ]
set mydistrict [pdistrict] of patch-here
set opinion random-float 1
to grow-districts ;; Barranca addition
Create-districts num-districts
;; set district breed shape
set shape "arrow"
__set-line-thickness 1
set size .4
;; Set randomish location...
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
;;; tag this patch
Set pdistrict self
;set district-id district-id + 1
set color (deep-color-1 who)
set pcolor color
;; expand districts
While [ any? patches with [ pdistrict = 0 ] ]
Ask patches with
[ pdistrict != 0 and any? Neighbors with [ pdistrict = 0 ] ]
[ Ask neighbors with
[ pdistrict = 0 ]
[ set pdistrict [ pdistrict] of myself
Set pcolor [ color ] of pdistrict
to org-effects-mean
ask turtles [
if linked = 1
set org-influence-opinion ([ mean opinion ] of turtles with [mydistrict = [mydistrict] of myself and linked = 1])
to-report deep-color-1 [ value ]
report (
red + 10 * (value mod 13) ;; base netlogo color
;; shift up or down
+ .5 * ( (int (value / 13 )) mod 2 * 2 - 1) ;; alternate normal -1, +1
;; increase difference (gets brighter and darker)
* (1 + int ( value / ( 2 * 13 )))
I figured out the problem: the mean
aggregation needs to come before the bracketed turtles-own variable it is aggregating, so while I originally had:
to org-effects-mean
ask turtles [
if linked = 1
set org-influence-opinion ([ mean opinion ] of turtles with [mydistrict = [mydistrict] of myself and linked = 1])
it should have been,
to org-effects-mean
ask turtles [
if linked = 1
set org-influence-opinion (mean [ opinion ] of turtles with [mydistrict = [mydistrict] of myself and linked = 1])