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Creating instance of class accessor

I am currently writing a unit test framework which shall in the end run standard unit tests written in Visual Studio. The Framework is currently not working correctly with accessors. Consider the following test method:

public void TestMethod()
      ExampleMethods_Accessor target = null;
      target = new ExampleMethods_Accessor();

In this example, the accessor has been generated by Visual Studio. The unit test works perfectly fine when run using the Unit Testing environment of Visual Studio. However, I would like to invoke the TestMethod() from within my Framework. At the line "target = new ExampleMethods_Accessor()", the following exception is thrown:

The type initializer for "Proband.ExampleMethods_Accessor" threw an excepition.

Inner exception:

Could not load file or assembly: Proband, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null...

Has anyone an idea of how the Microsoft Unit Testing Framework invokes unit tests? I was thinking it might be due to the missing TestContext object. This is "null" in my case. When starting the unit test in Visual Studio, the TestContext object contains a lot of information. Could it be, that I need to initialize it properly? How would it need to be initialized?

Thanks for all help, Christian


I kept experimenting with the way accessors are working. I used ILSpy to see what code is being generated into the Proband_Accessor.dll. It turns out that the instruction causing the exception is:

SomeClass_Accessor.m_privateType = new PrivateType("Probant, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "Probant.SomeClass");

I modified my unit test code to be like this (just for test):

    public void SomeMethodTest()
        ExampleMethods_Accessor target = null;
        ExampleMethods c = null;

            Assembly.Load("Proband, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"); // this works fine
            PrivateType tx = new PrivateType(typeof(ExampleMethods)); // this works fine as well (also without loading the assembly)

            PrivateType t = new PrivateType("Proband, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "Proband.ExampleMethods"); // this causes the exception

            c = new ExampleMethods(); // this works fine
            target = new ExampleMethods_Accessor(); // this causes the exception as well
        catch (Exception ex)
        int actual;
        actual = target.SomeMethod();

I do absolutely not understand, why "new PrivateType("Proband, Version...." does not work. Has anyone an idea?


  • I have managed to create a workaround for the issue.

    To my AppDomain, I am adding an AssemblyResolveEventHandler:

        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(MyResolveEventHandler);

    This event handler contains the following code:

        private Assembly MyResolveEventHandler(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
            if(args.Name == "Proband, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")
                // resolving correct assembly of type under test
                return typeof(ExampleMethods).Assembly;
                return null;

    Now the line of code "target = new ExampleMethods_Accessor();" works fine and returns the correct accessor object.

    I still do not understand, why the Assembly cannot be resolved automatically.

    Even if it is very unlikely that anyone will have the same problem: I hope this answer helps someone :)