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Test scheme "info" "arguments" "options" "diagnostics" tabs moved

Xcode's test scheme "info", "arguments", "options" and "diagnostics" tabs were once visible by pressing Command + Option + U, but they've been moved.

Where do I find the corresponding sections now?

Here's the old UI (credit: Old UI for when you pressed Command + Option + U on some older version of Xcode

Here is the new one: New UI for when you press Command + Option + U on Xcode


  • The reason you are seeing that UI instead of the Info, Arguments, Options, etc is because the scheme is configured to use Test Plans. When using test plans, these options are available inside the test plan UI. It looks like your test plan is called "UnitTestsOnlyPlan." There should be a file in your project navigator with this same name, but you can also find it by clicking the little arrow to the right of the name. Once you have the test plan open, click the "Configurations" tab at the top. There you will see all the options that were previously available in the scheme, plus a few more.