In a PyQt4 Gui, I require the careful placement of multiple QPainter Pixmaps.
When specifying the coordinates and height and width of the new Pixmaps, I require that all units be in pixels.
(Otherwise, my Gui would be ruined on a screen of a different resolution to my own).
When placing the Pixmap, I use DrawPixmap( QRect , QPixmap ) function.
The Pixmaps needed to be placed are in a list of QRects of Tuples of 4 integers, which specify the coordinates of the top-left corner of the Pixmap (in px) and te bottom-right corner of the Pixmap (in px).
Blocks = [QtCore.QRect(x1, y1, x2, y2), etc].
Sadly, The last two numbers of the tuple are interpreted as width and height when passed to DrawPixmap( QRect, QPixmap), which are in the units (cm).
My Question...
Is there a method to specify a Pixmaps dimensions entirely in pixels?
(Either by passing a pixel width and height, or the two pixel coordinates of the corners of the dimension box).
I Can't find a way in the QPainter or QRect class references.
Python 2.7
Windows 7 32bit
In the QPainter
class reference, you can find different overloading of the drawPixmap
method. Reading the documentation tells that QPainter::drawPixamp(QRect, QPixmap)
do exactly what you want. It might be a specific issue with pyqt where the format of the QRect
is recognized more as a QRectF
. You can also use the overloaded function that gets the top left coordinates and the width and height of your area like: QPainter::drawPixamp(x, y, width, height, QPixmap)