I am looking to troubleshoot an IoT device to test how consistently it uploads a certain object to S3. Specifically, the device uploads an object to s3://mybucket/myprefix/filename.json
. The IoT device should upload this file every 60 seconds without fail, so I'm looking to be able to eventually extract e.g. a CSV with timestamps for each ObjectCreated event for that object so that I can plot the deltas in the timestamps.
I assume the right solution involves CloudWatch, but it seems like e.g. creating an Event trigger only lets me trigger e.g. a Lambda function or similar. I am looking for something lighter.
Is this possible to set up in the CloudWatch section directly or how would one go about this?
You need to set up a data plane trail on CloudTrail for that.
This code is copied from CloudTrail docs with minor modifications:
aws cloudtrail put-event-selectors --trail-name TrailName \
"Name": "Problematic IOT",
"FieldSelectors": [
{ "Field": "eventCategory", "Equals": ["Data"] },
{ "Field": "resources.type", "Equals": ["AWS::S3::Object"] },
{ "Field": "eventName", "Equals": ["PutObject""] },
{ "Field": "resources.ARN", "Equals": ["arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/myprefix/filename.json"] }