I have the following code that works okay in real time when I am on 15 min timeframe and the code is supposed to get the data for the timeframe of 10.
indicator("My script", overlay = false)
array_data = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, "10", ta.rsi(close,14))
array_data_last = array.size(array_data)>0?array.last(array_data):0
plot(array_data_last, color=color.aqua,linewidth=2)
However, when I try the replay
, the code stops working and only shows zero
Is there any way to fix this issue?
If I go down to 10 min time frame the code works fine again, but I like to see the results from the 15 min time frame.
The issue seems to be fixed by TV.