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Nextcloud: Configure onlyoffice connector app over command line

I am in the process of creating an ansible role that will allow me to perform a completely unattended installation and configuration of the Onlyoffice document server and integrate it into Nextcloud. The installation of the document server will be done via a podman container. The installation of the connector app is done via Nextcloud occ.

What I am currently missing is a way to configure the Onlyoffice Connector app in Nextcloud via CLI.

I have already searched the Nextcloud installation path to see if there is a configuration file for the connector app somewhere here, but unfortunately I did not find it. Also occ onlyoffice:documentserver --help does not give any possibility for configuration unfortunately.

What possibility do I have to configure the connector app completely via the CLI / bash?

Document Server version: Connector version: 8.2.0 DMS (platform) version: Nextcloud Hub 6 (27.1.1) OS: Debian 12 / AlmaLinux 9


  • There are only a few options available for customization such as

    • ONLYOFFICE Docs address
    • ONLYOFFICE Docs address for internal requests from NC
    • NC address for internal requests from ONLYOFFICE Docs
    • Secret key for JWT tokens

    You can configure these options this way. (just an example of the OO docker compose).

    Once the connector has been set up use occ onlyoffice:documentserver --check to make sure that ONLYOFFICE Document Server is successfully connected