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How to display an XML file in a Laravel blade template?

I load an XML file and get the required element from it. Like that:

$xml = simplexml_load_file('');
$$exampleElement = $xml->shop->offers->offer;

If I output it via {{dd($exampleElement)}} in the blade template, I get this:

SimpleXMLElement {#478 ▼
  +"@attributes": array:3 [▶
    "id" => "835376"
    "available" => "false"
  +"categoryId": "2411"
  +"oldprice": "2690"
  +"param": array:7 [▶
    0 => SimpleXMLElement {#1642 ▶
      +"@attributes": array:1 [▶
        "name" => "Color"
      +"0": "Green"
    1 => SimpleXMLElement {#1643 ▶
      +"@attributes": array:1 [▶
        "name" => "Brand"
      +"0": "Adidas"
  +"picture": array:2 [▶
    0 => ""
    1 => ""

If I output in the standard way via {{$exampleElement}}, then nothing is displayed.

What do I need to do so that the output of the element is in this format?:

<param name="Color">Green</param>

enter image description here


  • You could use SimpleXMLElement's asXML method:

    Return a well-formed XML string based on SimpleXML element

    So in your case that would be: {{ $exampleElement->asXML() }}

    If only want show the XML in your template and nothing else, and want the browser to handle output as XML, you should bypass the blade template / view and directly output the XML from your controller with the correct header:

    $xml = simplexml_load_file('');
    $exampleElement = $xml->shop->offers->offer;
    $exampleString = $exampleElement->asXML();
    return response($exampleString, 200, [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/xml'