I'm trying to implement the Open XML documentProtection hash protection of a MS Word (2019) document in Python to test the hashing algorithm. So I've created a Word document, protected it against editing with this password: johnjohn. Then, opening the document as ZIP/XML, I see the following in the documentProtection
<w:documentProtection w:edit="readOnly" w:enforcement="1" w:cryptProviderType="rsaAES" w:cryptAlgorithmClass="hash" w:cryptAlgorithmType="typeAny" w:cryptAlgorithmSid="14" w:cryptSpinCount="100000" w:hash="pVjR9ktO9vlxijXcMPlH+4PLwD4Xwy1aqbNQOFmWaSpvBjipNh//T8S3nBhq6HRoRVfWL6s/+NdUCPTxUr0vZw==" w:salt="pH1TDVHSfGBxkd3Q88UNhQ==" />
According to the Open XML docs (ECMA-376-1:2016 #
points to the SHA-512 algorithmcryptSpinCount="100000"
means that hashing must be done in 100k rounds, using the following algoright (quote from above standard):Specifies the number of times the hashing function shall be iteratively run (runs using each iteration's result plus a 4 byte value (0-based, little endian) containing the number of the iteration as the input for the next iteration) when attempting to compare a user-supplied password with the value stored in the hashValue attribute.
The BASE64-encoded salt used for hashing ("pH1TDVHSfGBxkd3Q88UNhQ==") is prepended to the original password. The target BASE64-encoded hash must be "pVjR9ktO9vlxijXcMPlH+4PLwD4Xwy1aqbNQOFmWaSpvBjipNh//T8S3nBhq6HRoRVfWL6s/+NdUCPTxUr0vZw=="
So my Python script attempts to generate the same hash value with the described algorithm as follows:
import hashlib
import base64
import struct
TARGET_HASH = 'pVjR9ktO9vlxijXcMPlH+4PLwD4Xwy1aqbNQOFmWaSpvBjipNh//T8S3nBhq6HRoRVfWL6s/+NdUCPTxUr0vZw=='
bsalt = base64.b64decode(TARGET_SALT)
def hashit(what, alg='sha512', **kwargs):
if alg == 'sha1':
return hashlib.sha1(what)
elif alg == 'sha512':
return hashlib.sha512(what)
# etc...
raise Exception(f'Unsupported hash algorithm: {alg}')
def gethash(data, salt=None, alg='sha512', iters=100000, base64result=True, returnstring=True):
# encode password in UTF-16LE
# ECMA-376-1:2016 (p. 1026)
if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-16-le')
# prepend salt if provided
if not salt is None:
if isinstance(salt, str): salt = salt.encode('utf-16-le')
ghash = salt + data
ghash = data
# hash iteratively for 'iters' rounds
for i in range(iters):
# next hash = hash(previous data) + 4-byte integer (previous round number) with LE byte ordering
# ECMA-376-1:2016 (p. 1020)
ghash = hashit(ghash, alg).digest() + struct.pack('<I', i)
except Exception as err:
# remove trailing round number bytes
ghash = ghash[:-4]
# BASE64 encode if requested
if base64result:
ghash = base64.b64encode(ghash)
# return as an ASCII string if requested
if returnstring:
ghash = ghash.decode()
return ghash
But then when I run
print(gethash('johnjohn', bsalt))
I get the following hash which is not equal to the target one:
Could I be wrong in my implementation somewhere or do you think there's a difference in the low-level hash function implementation (Python's hashlib vs. Open XML)?
I realized that Word uses a legacy algorithm to pre-process passwords (for compatibility with older versions). This algorithm is described at length in ECMA-376-1:2016 Part 4 (Transitional Migration Features, #14.8.1 "Legacy Password Hash Algorithm"). So I've managed to make a script that reproduces the official ECMA example:
def strtobytes(s, trunc=15):
b = s.encode('utf-16-le')
# remove BOM symbol if present
if b[0] == 0xfeff: b = b[1:]
pwdlen = min(trunc, len(s))
if pwdlen < 1: return None
return bytes([b[i] or b[i+1] for i in range(0, pwdlen * 2, 2)])
def process_pwd(pwd):
pw = strtobytes(pwd) if isinstance(pwd, str) else pwd[:15]
pwdlen = len(pw)
HW = InitialCodeArray[pwdlen - 1]
for i in range(pwdlen):
r = 15 - pwdlen + i
for ibit in range(7):
if (pw[i] & (0x0001 << ibit)):
HW ^= EncryptionMatrix[r][ibit]
LW = 0
for i in reversed(range(pwdlen)):
LW = (((LW >> 14) & 0x0001) | ((LW << 1) & 0x7FFF)) ^ pw[i]
LW = (((LW >> 14) & 0x0001) | ((LW << 1) & 0x7FFF)) ^ pwdlen ^ 0xCE4B
return bytes([LW & 0xff, LW >> 8, HW & 0xff, HW >> 8])
So when I do process_pwd('Example')
I get what's said in the ECMA (0x7EEDCE64
). The hashing function was also modified (the initial SALT + HASH should not be included in the main iteration loop, as I found on a forum):
def gethash(data, salt=None, alg='sha512', iters=100000, base64result=True, returnstring=True):
def hashit(what, alg='sha512'):
return getattr(hashlib, alg)(what)
# encode password with legacy algorithm if a string is given
if isinstance(data, str):
data = process_pwd(data)
if data is None:
return None
# prepend salt if provided
if not salt is None:
if isinstance(salt, str):
salt = process_pwd(salt)
if salt is None:
return None
ghash = salt + data
ghash = data
# initial hash (salted)
ghash = hashit(ghash, alg).digest()
# hash iteratively for 'iters' rounds
for i in range(iters):
# next hash = hash(previous data + 4-byte integer (previous round number) with LE byte ordering)
# ECMA-376-1:2016 (p. 1020)
ghash = hashit(ghash + struct.pack('<I', i), alg).digest()
except Exception as err:
return None
# BASE64 encode if requested
if base64result:
ghash = base64.b64encode(ghash)
# return as an ASCII string if requested
if returnstring:
ghash = ghash.decode()
return ghash
However many times I've re-checked this code, I couldn't see any more errors. But I still can't reproduce the target hash in the test Word document:
myhash = gethash('johnjohn', base64.b64decode('pH1TDVHSfGBxkd3Q88UNhQ=='))
print(TARGET_HASH == myhash)
I get:
Returning to this question, I've updated my Python code adapting the detailed answer below (thanks @Andrew O!). My full code is now as follows:
# coding: utf-8
import hashlib
import base64
TARGET_HASH = 'pVjR9ktO9vlxijXcMPlH+4PLwD4Xwy1aqbNQOFmWaSpvBjipNh//T8S3nBhq6HRoRVfWL6s/+NdUCPTxUr0vZw=='
HighOrderWords = [
[0xE1, 0xF0],
[0x1D, 0x0F],
[0xCC, 0x9C],
[0x84, 0xC0],
[0x11, 0x0C],
[0x0E, 0x10],
[0xF1, 0xCE],
[0x31, 0x3E],
[0x18, 0x72],
[0xE1, 0x39],
[0xD4, 0x0F],
[0x84, 0xF9],
[0x28, 0x0C],
[0xA9, 0x6A],
[0x4E, 0xC3]
EncryptionMatrix = [
[[0xAE, 0xFC], [0x4D, 0xD9], [0x9B, 0xB2], [0x27, 0x45], [0x4E, 0x8A], [0x9D, 0x14], [0x2A, 0x09]],
[[0x7B, 0x61], [0xF6, 0xC2], [0xFD, 0xA5], [0xEB, 0x6B], [0xC6, 0xF7], [0x9D, 0xCF], [0x2B, 0xBF]],
[[0x45, 0x63], [0x8A, 0xC6], [0x05, 0xAD], [0x0B, 0x5A], [0x16, 0xB4], [0x2D, 0x68], [0x5A, 0xD0]],
[[0x03, 0x75], [0x06, 0xEA], [0x0D, 0xD4], [0x1B, 0xA8], [0x37, 0x50], [0x6E, 0xA0], [0xDD, 0x40]],
[[0xD8, 0x49], [0xA0, 0xB3], [0x51, 0x47], [0xA2, 0x8E], [0x55, 0x3D], [0xAA, 0x7A], [0x44, 0xD5]],
[[0x6F, 0x45], [0xDE, 0x8A], [0xAD, 0x35], [0x4A, 0x4B], [0x94, 0x96], [0x39, 0x0D], [0x72, 0x1A]],
[[0xEB, 0x23], [0xC6, 0x67], [0x9C, 0xEF], [0x29, 0xFF], [0x53, 0xFE], [0xA7, 0xFC], [0x5F, 0xD9]],
[[0x47, 0xD3], [0x8F, 0xA6], [0x0F, 0x6D], [0x1E, 0xDA], [0x3D, 0xB4], [0x7B, 0x68], [0xF6, 0xD0]],
[[0xB8, 0x61], [0x60, 0xE3], [0xC1, 0xC6], [0x93, 0xAD], [0x37, 0x7B], [0x6E, 0xF6], [0xDD, 0xEC]],
[[0x45, 0xA0], [0x8B, 0x40], [0x06, 0xA1], [0x0D, 0x42], [0x1A, 0x84], [0x35, 0x08], [0x6A, 0x10]],
[[0xAA, 0x51], [0x44, 0x83], [0x89, 0x06], [0x02, 0x2D], [0x04, 0x5A], [0x08, 0xB4], [0x11, 0x68]],
[[0x76, 0xB4], [0xED, 0x68], [0xCA, 0xF1], [0x85, 0xC3], [0x1B, 0xA7], [0x37, 0x4E], [0x6E, 0x9C]],
[[0x37, 0x30], [0x6E, 0x60], [0xDC, 0xC0], [0xA9, 0xA1], [0x43, 0x63], [0x86, 0xC6], [0x1D, 0xAD]],
[[0x33, 0x31], [0x66, 0x62], [0xCC, 0xC4], [0x89, 0xA9], [0x03, 0x73], [0x06, 0xE6], [0x0D, 0xCC]],
[[0x10, 0x21], [0x20, 0x42], [0x40, 0x84], [0x81, 0x08], [0x12, 0x31], [0x24, 0x62], [0x48, 0xC4]]
def hashit(what, alg='sha1', **kwargs):
f = getattr(hashlib, alg, None)
if f is None:
raise Exception(f'Unsupported hash algorithm: {alg}')
return f(what)
def strtobytes(s, trunc=15):
b = s.encode('utf-16-le')
# remove BOM symbol if present
if b[0] == 0xfeff: b = b[1:]
pwdlen = min(trunc, len(s))
if pwdlen < 1: return None
return bytearray([b[i] or b[i+1] for i in range(0, pwdlen * 2, 2)])
def generate_hash(password: str, salt: bytes = None, alg: str = 'sha512', iters: int = 100000, base64result=True, returnstring=True):
Algorithm given in ECMA-374, 1st Edition, December 2006
Alternatively: https://c-rex.net/projects/samples/ooxml/e1/Part4/OOXML_P4_DOCX_documentProtection_topic_ID0EJVTX.html
# Truncate the password to 15 characters
passwordBytes = strtobytes(password)
# Obtain the high-order word from the magic list based on the length of the password.
# If the password is 0 length, it's just two zero bytes
passwordLength = len(passwordBytes)
highOrderWord = bytearray([0, 0])
# For each byte in the password, grab the bits based on its position in the encryption matrix
# (taking care that the last character always corresponds to the last row,
# the first part of the matrix may be unused if the password is shorter than 15 bytes).
# For the first to seventh bit, if it's set, do a XOR operation with the current value of the high order word.
# Repeat for each character.
if passwordLength > 0:
highOrderWord = bytearray(HighOrderWords[passwordLength - 1])
for i in range(passwordLength):
passwordByte = passwordBytes[i]
m = i + 15 - passwordLength
for j in range(7):
if (passwordByte & j) == 0:
for k in range(2):
highOrderWord[k] ^= EncryptionMatrix[m][j][k]
# Grab a low order word (2 bytes) and initialize to zero
lowOrderWord = 0
# Perform the operation on each character, starting from the last character in the password and working forwards:
# low-order word = ( ((low-order word >> 14) AND 0x0001) | (low-order word << 1) & 0x7FFF)) ^ character (byte)
for i in reversed(range(passwordLength)):
passwordByte = passwordBytes[i]
lowOrderWord = ( ((lowOrderWord >> 14) & 1) | ((lowOrderWord << 1) & 0x7FFF) ) ^ passwordByte
# Then do low-order word = (((low-order word >> 14) & 0x0001) | (low-order word << 1) & 0x7FFF)) ^ password length ^ 0xCE4B
lowOrderWord = ( ((lowOrderWord >> 14) & 1) | ((lowOrderWord << 1) & 0x7FFF) ) ^ passwordLength ^ 0xCE4B
lowOrderWord = lowOrderWord.to_bytes(2, 'big')
# Form the key by appending the low order word to the high order word, then reverse the byte ordering
key = (highOrderWord + lowOrderWord)[::-1]
# For some reason, Microsoft Word then uses the Unicode hex representation of the above key,
# then back converts that representation into bytes
# In Word, an additional third stage is added to the process of hashing and storing a user supplied password.
# In this third stage, the reversed byte order legacy hash from the second stage shall be converted to Unicode hex string representation
# [Example: If the single byte string 7EEDCE64 is converted to Unicode hex string it will be represented in memory as the following byte stream:
# 37 00 45 00 45 00 44 00 43 00 45 00 36 00 34 00], and that value shall be hashed as defined by the attribute values
# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_standards/ms-oe376/fb220a2f-88d4-488c-a9b7-e094756b6699
key = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in key).replace('-', '').encode('utf-8')
computedHash = bytearray(key)
# Now compute the hash once by prepending the salt bytes to the result from above.
# If there are no salt bytes, just skip this step
if salt:
computedHash = bytearray(salt) + key
# Word requires that the initial hash of the password with the salt not be considered in the count
computedHash = bytearray(hashit(computedHash, alg).digest())
# If there are iterations to compute, for each iteration, convert the iteration count (0-base) to a 32-bit (4 byte) integer (little endian),
# and (documentation wasn't clear on this, it just said to "add" the bytes - but to align with the output I had to append it) append this to the current computed hash.
# Apply the requested hash algorithm (Word seems to default to SHA512, but from testing I saw that it handles the other options fine as well)
for i in range(iters):
# ISO/IEC 29500-1 Fourth Edition, 2016-11-01
# - spinCount
# Specifies the number of times the hashing function shall be iteratively run
# (runs using each iteration's result plus a 4 byte value (0-based, little endian) containing the number of the iteration
# as the input for the next iteration) when attempting to compare a user-supplied password with the value stored in the hashValue attribute
computedHash += i.to_bytes(4, 'little')
computedHash = bytearray(hashit(computedHash, alg).digest())
# Return the above as a base-64 encoded string. This is what goes in the documentProtection attribute.
# BASE64 encode if requested
if base64result:
computedHash = base64.b64encode(computedHash)
# return as an ASCII string if requested
if returnstring:
computedHash = computedHash.decode('utf-8')
return computedHash
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == '__main__':
myhash = generate_hash('johnjohn', base64.b64decode(TARGET_SALT))
print(TARGET_HASH == myhash)
But ALAS! -- still assertion fails. Which means I'm getting something wrong here... Who can help adapt the C# to Python 1:1?
I tried to implement the method VcSaJen explained in his answer and it worked for me (my use case is creating a hash that works in ms word), so just posting the code here if it helps someone
import hashlib
import os
import base64
def docx_sha512_hash(password, spin_count=0):
salt = os.urandom(16)
password_bytes = password.encode("utf-16le")
combined_bytes = salt + password_bytes
hashed_password = hashlib.sha512(combined_bytes).digest()
for i in range(spin_count):
index_bytes = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little")
hashed_password += index_bytes
hashed_password = hashlib.sha512(hashed_password).digest()
b64_hash = base64.b64encode(hashed_password).decode("utf-8")
b64_salt = base64.b64encode(salt).decode("utf-8")
return b64_hash, b64_salt
then add w:documentProtection w:edit="readOnly" w:enforcement="1" w:algorithmName="SHA-512" w:spinCount="100000" w:hashValue="<hashValue>" w:saltValue="<saltValue>"
to the xml and create the docx