I would like to enforce the usage of XML documentation on interface members in C# projects.
I'm looking for the same kind of behavior as SA1600 or CS1591 but limited to interfaces instead of all types.
How can I achieve this?
You can keep SA1600 nor CS1591 and suppress the warnings you don't want with a custom DiagnosticSuppressor similar to this :
internal sealed class MyDiagnosticSuppressor : DiagnosticSuppressor
private static readonly SuppressionDescriptor Rule = new SuppressionDescriptor("SUPCS1591", "CS1591", "Justification");
public override ImmutableArray<SuppressionDescriptor> SupportedSuppressions => ImmutableArray.Create(Rule);
public override void ReportSuppressions(SuppressionAnalysisContext context)
foreach (var diagnostic in context.ReportedDiagnostics)
if (!context.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
Location location = diagnostic.Location;
SyntaxNode node = location.SourceTree.GetRoot(context.CancellationToken).FindNode(location.SourceSpan);
if (!(node is InterfaceDeclarationSyntax || HasParentOfType<InterfaceDeclarationSyntax>(node)))
context.ReportSuppression(Suppression.Create(Rule, diagnostic));
public bool HasParentOfType<TSearched>(SyntaxNode syntaxNode) where TSearched : SyntaxNode
return syntaxNode != null && (syntaxNode.Parent is TSearched || HasParentOfType<TSearched>(syntaxNode.Parent));
A few things that you could want to customize based on your question :
(the second constructor parameter for our SuppressionDescriptor
)node is InterfaceDeclarationSyntax
) or within an interface declaration (HasParentOfType<InterfaceDeclarationSyntax>(node)
)Note that the current code probably won't behave like you wish in a few edge cases like classes declared within an interface declaration but I think it's a pretty solid basis to start with.