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How to register a GenericConverter to be used by SimpleJdbcCall objects in Spring 3?

Using Spring 3.0.x, I wrote a SimpleJdbcCall defining with returningResultSet() a BeanPropertyRowMapper.

Now I want to replace the java.lang.Long type used for object IDs with a strongly typed ID, that is defining a PersonId class that holds the actual ID values as a Long variable.

I wrote a org.springframework.core.convert.converter.GenericConverter implementation that converts from the BigDecimal that is returned by JDBC to PersonID (and some others, for other classes).

I registered my converter as:

<bean id="conversionService"
<property name="converters">
        <bean class="xxx.impl.IDTypeConverter"/>

The problem

Spring does not use my converter.

Debugging leads to method org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate.convertIfNecessary(String, Object, Object, Class, TypeDescriptor) where:

ConversionService conversionService = this.propertyEditorRegistry.getConversionService();

this method returns null. There are no conversions used.

Searching the web I found where is says:

spring was trying to find a custom converter registered with PropertyEditor

Then it proposes a solution using a property editor but does not go into detail how to actually do it. (I asked there)

Another answer says to use the method jdbcCustomConversions() from (Abstract)JdbcConfiguration, but I can't find those classes in my project.

I could write a custom RowMapper for each JDBC call, but that is a lot of code.

The question is: how to convert those datatypes with as few code as possible?


  • I came up with this solution in my DAO class, where the SimpleJdbcCall objects are used:

    private ConversionService conversionService;
            BeanPropertyRowMapper<MyDTO> rowMapper1 = new BeanPropertyRowMapper<MyDTO>() {
            protected void initBeanWrapper(BeanWrapper bw)
        mySimpleJdbcCall.returningResultSet("p_my_object", rowMapper1);

    This works (in JUnit tests) for reading data from database.


    I used the solution from here:

    Basically, override the getValue() method to specially handle my type:

    BeanPropertySqlParameterSource parameterSource = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(pojo) {
        public Object getValue(String paramName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            Object value = super.getValue(paramName);
            if (value instanceof MyIDType) {
                return ((MyIDType) value).getInternalValue();
            return value;