i am trying to implement authentication and authorization in c# project.
authentication is working fine.
while trying to achieve role based authorization like this->
[System.Web.Http.Authorize(Roles = UserRoles.Admin)]
public class StudentsController : ControllerBase
i am able to access this controller even with a User
i have used this inside my HttpGet
var isAdmin = User.IsInRole(UserRoles.Admin);
this returns false
what could be the issue?
if you need any other code, please let me know i can add it.
i have followed this tutorial https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/jwt-authentication-and-authorization-in-net-6-0-with-identity-framework/
i am working with .net 6.0
Seems like I was using wrong import for Authorize
attribute is for WebForms).
After using import from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization
issue was fixed.