I am trying to understand how to count and display current and total number of figures on my page.
My html
<div class="is-vertical">
<figure><img src="src.jpg"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Towers Day<br>NYC</figcaption></figure>
<figure><img src="src.jpg"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Towers Day<br>NYC</figcaption></figure>
<figure><img src="src.jpg"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Towers Day<br>NYC</figcaption></figure>
My js attempt of trying to get the total number
var totalItems = $( ".is-vertical figure" ).length;
My js attempt of trying to display the variable in an appended span
$('.is-vertical').append('<span class="numbers">')+totalItems.join('</span>');
For the last part of showing the current one I am wondering if one could use ($(window).scrollTop() somehow and update the value of the current figure in view.
It ended up solved by this script:
var $isVertical = $('.is-vertical'); // <div class="is-vertical">
var $numbersSpan = $('<span>', { class: 'numbers', text: 'Figure 1 of ' + $isVertical.find('figure').length });
// Function to update the current figure number
function updateCurrentFigureNumber() {
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var scrollTop = $isVertical.scrollTop();
var figureHeight = $isVertical.find('figure').height();
// Calculate the current figure number in view
var currentFigureNumber = Math.floor((scrollTop + windowHeight * 0.75) / figureHeight) + 1;
// Update the text inside the 'numbers' span
$numbersSpan.text( + currentFigureNumber + ' / ' + $isVertical.find('figure').length);
// Add an event listener to update the current figure number when scrolling
// Call the updateCurrentFigureNumber function initially to set the correct figure number