I'm new to PyQt and GUI design. I have a very basic GUI with two QLabels and a push button. One QLabel displays live footage from an USB camera. I want to make it so that on pressing the button, the second QLabel displays the current frame from the first QLabel (effectively taking a photo). How do I access the current "value" or content of a QLabel?
I can't seem to be able to find an answer to this. Could it be the case that QLabel doesn't actually "store" any data?
EDIT: Apologies for the initial lack of technical details. I wasn't sure what would be helpful.
What I'm doing is creating a QThread class to handle the live capture of the camera and I send the current live frame as an ndarray pyqtSignal to the main thread. Then I convert it from grayscale to the pixmap format required for display on the QLabel.
This is the code for the camera:
class BaslerCamera(QThread):
change_pixmap_signal = pyqtSignal(np.ndarray)
def __init__(self):
self.run_flag = True
def run(self):
#Creates transport layer instance
#This is an abstraction of the physical connection between
#the PC and the camera
tl_factory = pylon.TlFactory.GetInstance()
#Lists all available devices
devices = tl_factory.EnumerateDevices()
print("List of connected cameras:")
for device in devices:
#Creates camera object to simplify the work with the camera
camera = pylon.InstantCamera()
#Attaches the first available camera to the camera object
#Connects the device and applies basic configuration
#Sets the user selected exposure time of the camera in
#Instructs camera to start grabbing frames using a specific
while camera.IsGrabbing() and self.run_flag:
#Uses a timeout in miliseconds to check if there has been
#a result
#from the grabbing. If there is no result, returns
grabResult = camera.RetrieveResult(2000,
if grabResult.GrabSucceeded():
#img is a numpy array
camera_img = grabResult.GetArray()
print("Closing Camera")
def stop(self):
self.run_flag = False
`Here is the part of the code for the communication with the main thread:`
self.camera_thread = BaslerCamera()
`The functions for updating the image on the QLabel are:`
def update_image(self, camera_img):
#Updates continuous shot image
qt_img = self.convert_basler_qt(camera_img)
def convert_basler_qt(self,camera_img):
h, w = camera_img.shape
bytes_per_line = w
convert_to_Qt_format = QtGui.QImage(camera_img.data,
p = Convert_to_Qt_format.scaled(600,400,
return QPixmap.fromImage(p)
As indicated by @musicamante, I can call the pixmap() method on my first QLabel and assign the return to the second QLabel.