I have an Azure B2C tenant where I need to create some app registrations and a new user flow.
I'm trying to do this with Terraform, but I can't find much documentation for doing this kind of stuff (I've only really found azurerm_aadb2c_directory
to create a directory, but like I said, I already have one). I was wondering if using azuread_application
is the right thing to do, and if so, how can I create the application registration in the B2C tenant instead of the main one.
Another question I have is if it's possible to create user flows in IaC. I haven't found any documentation on this.
I'm open to using another IaC tool that does the job easier if it's very difficult to do in Terraform.
Is there a way to do this in Terraform or in another IaC tool/Azure Templates?
To create an Azure AD B2C application, use the below PowerShell script:
# Connect to Microsoft Graph using the Connect-MgGraph cmdlet
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All"
# Define the parameters for the application
$displayName = "B2CAppPowershell"
#Define the request body for the application
$body = @{
displayName = $displayName
} | ConvertTo-Json
# Define the headers for the request
$headers = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
# Define the URI for the request
$uri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applications"
# Send the request to create the application
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Body $body
# Print the response
The Azure AD B2C application created successfully:
To create the Azure AD B2C user flow, use the below PowerShell script:
To create other user flows, refer this MsDoc
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "IdentityUserFlow.ReadWrite.All"
# Define the parameters for the user flow
$userFlowId = "testruk"
$userFlowType = "signUpOrSignIn"
$userFlowTypeVersion = 3
# Define the request body for the user flow
$body = @{
id = $userFlowId
userFlowType = $userFlowType
userFlowTypeVersion = $userFlowTypeVersion
} | ConvertTo-Json
# Define the headers for the request
$headers = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
# Define the URI for the request
$uri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/identity/b2cUserFlows"
# Send the request to create the user flow
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Body $body
# Print the response
The User flow got created successfully:
Azure AD B2C Support · Issue #175 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-azuread · GitHub by Hayden Hao
Automating Azure AD B2C tenancy deployments for your app (makerx.com.au) by Trent Steenholdt