I have a long list of attributes that are used for multiple datasets in my SAS code, but I cannot figure out how to create a macro variable that will allow me to avoid re-entering in this long list of attributes, only macro variables that would allow me to do things like repeat the sysUser or date. My list of attributes is in the code below:
Subj label = "Subject Number"
sfReas label = "Screen Failure Reason" length = $ 50
sfStatus label = "Screen Failure Status (0 = Failed)" length = $ 1
BioSex label = "Biological Sex" length = $ 1
VisitDate label = "Visit Date" length = $ 10
failDate label = "Failure Notification Date" length = $ 10
sbp label = "Systolic Blood Pressure"
dbp label = "Diastolic Blood Pressure"
bpUnits label = "Units (BP)" length = $ 5
pulse label = "Pulse"
pulseUnits label = "Units (Pulse)" length = $ 9
position label = "Position" length = $ 9
temp label = "Temperature" format = 5.1
tempUnits label = "Units (Temp)" length = $ 1
weight label = "Weight"
weightUnits label = "Units (Weight)" length = $ 2
pain label = "Pain Score";
Can anyone tell me how I can create a macro variable that would code for all of this?
Since you seem to want to store PART of a single statement into a macro variable that should be easy enough.
%let common=
Subj label = "Subject Number"
sfReas label = "Screen Failure Reason" length = $ 50
sfStatus label = "Screen Failure Status (0 = Failed)" length = $ 1
BioSex label = "Biological Sex" length = $ 1
VisitDate label = "Visit Date" length = $ 10
failDate label = "Failure Notification Date" length = $ 10
sbp label = "Systolic Blood Pressure"
dbp label = "Diastolic Blood Pressure"
bpUnits label = "Units (BP)" length = $ 5
pulse label = "Pulse"
pulseUnits label = "Units (Pulse)" length = $ 9
position label = "Position" length = $ 9
temp label = "Temperature" format = 5.1
tempUnits label = "Units (Temp)" length = $ 1
weight label = "Weight"
weightUnits label = "Units (Weight)" length = $ 2
pain label = "Pain Score"
You can then use that macro variable when making your ATTRIB statement.
data want;
attrib &common
Xvar1 length=8 label='Extra Variable 1'
Xvar2 length=$20 label='Extra Variable 2'
set have;