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Custom function to save a form using React Admin

In my react-admin app, I have a list of items accompanied by two buttons: Create using email and create. The "create" button is pre-existing and uses the funcionalitties by the data provider. However, when I opt for "create with email", a different form appears. For this form, I wish to execute a custom function rather the default one provided by the data provider. How can achieve this?

I searched in the documentation and stackoverflow, but couldn;t find anything relevant...


  • It’s not entirely clear what actions you want to take when saving, but here’s a similar example:

    const MyToolbar = () => {
        const { getValues } = useFormContext();
        const redirect = useRedirect();
        const handleClick = e => {
            e.preventDefault(); // necessary to prevent default SaveButton submit logic
            const { id, } = getValues();
    // Your steps to save form values...
        return (
                <SaveButton />        
                <SaveButton type="button" onClick={handleClick} />
    export const MyCreate = () => (
            <SimpleForm toolbar={<MyToolbar/>}>