I am working on creating a dataframe which ultimately will feed into a tableau report. The data is supposed to be extracted from the databricks job run for failed jobs and along witht he reason of the failure. I was able to extract the failed jobs by using the /api/2.1/jobs/runs/get?run_id. But I am struggling with finding a way to extract the error messages from the notebook url (the api doesn't have)
for example : I need to read the below AnalysisException:'and the message here'
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
I tried to use different api in databricks and tried to read from notebook url.
Use this api /api/2.1/jobs/runs/get-output
This is the link to its documentation: https://docs.databricks.com/api/workspace/jobs/getrunoutput.
If the job has failed, there's going to be an error
field in the API response.