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Why doesn't the GOsummaries function work with my gene lists? INTERNAL SERVER ERROR

I need to compare two sets of genes with the GOsummaries library. I have obtained the two gene lists with the R function "enrichGO". In the user guide of the GOsummaries library it says the following to create a gosummaries object:

"The gosummaries function requires a set of gene lists as an input. It applies GO enrichment analysis to these gene lists using g:Profiler ( web toolkit and saves the results into a gosummaries object. Then one can add experimental data and configure the slots for additional information."

Inside g:Profiler ( I have tested my two gene lists and I get one result for each, so, I don't know, but I don't think it's the fault of that.

I show the two gene lists:

 [1] "AKAP7"     "ARHGAP5"   "ATXN7"     "BAZ2A"     "CHD6"      "CNTLN"     "DDX3Y"    
 [8] "ELK4"      "ERICH1"    "ERICH1"    "FKBP8"     "GSE1"      "HOMER1"    "LINC01004"
[15] "NCAPG"     "NUB1"      "PDHX"      "POLD1"     "RAB3D"     "RAD54L2"   "SAFB"     
[22] "SH2B3"     "SLC38A1"   "SLC39A8"   "TXLNGY"    "UTY"       "ZFY"
  [1] "AAGAB"     "AKAP10"    "AKAP8L"    "AKR1A1"    "ANAPC1"    "ANKRD26"   "ANKRD27"  
  [8] "ANP32B"    "AP3B1"     "APOOL"     "APPL1"     "ARHGAP42"  "ATAD2"     "ATAD5"    
 [15] "ATF7IP2"   "ATG4C"     "ATL2"      "ATRIP"     "ATXN3"     "B4GALT5"   "BAZ1B"    
 [22] "BBS9"      "BCLAF3"    "BUD23"     "C5"        "CA13"      "CAMTA1"    "CAPRIN2"  
 [29] "CBR4"      "CCDC88A"   "CCDC88C"   "CENPH"     "CENPI"     "CHD2"      "COG3"     
 [36] "CPSF2"     "CSTF3"     "CUL1"      "CUL2"      "CUL3"      "DCAF7"     "DDX21"    
 [43] "DDX60"     "DHDDS"     "DIPK2A"    "DMTN"      "DNAJC2"    "EHBP1"     "ELF2"     
 [50] "ELK4"      "ERMARD"    "ERMARD"    "ESPL1"     "FAM168B"   "FAM193A"   "FAM216A"  
 [57] "FANCM"     "FBXO33"    "FBXW7"     "FKBP3"     "FOXJ3"     "FRMD4A"    "FUNDC1"   
 [64] "GIMAP8"    "GLS"       "GLYR1"     "GRHPR"     "GTF2IP1"   "GTPBP10"   "HECTD2"   
 [71] "HIP1"      "IKZF1"     "ITGB3BP"   "KATNAL1"   "KDM3B"     "KDM4C"     "KHDC4"    
 [78] "KHDRBS1"   "KIAA2026"  "KIF24"     "LDLRAD4"   "LINC00910" "MAP3K5"    "MAP4K5"   
 [85] "MAPK9"     "MARCHF3"   "METTL25"   "MLH3"      "MMS19"     "MYCBP2"    "MYO19"    
 [92] "MYO19"     "MYO9A"     "MYSM1"     "NAA15"     "NBAS"      "NBEAL1"    "NCAPD3"   
 [99] "NCEH1"     "NCOR2"     "NEDD4L"    "NEK9"      "NEMF"      "NIPBL"     "NMRAL1"   
[106] "NMRAL1"    "NMRK1"     "NPEPPS"    "NPLOC4"    "NSD2"      "NSUN6"     "NUP43"    
[113] "NUP88"     "OTUD7B"    "PACRGL"    "PAM"       "PAXBP1"    "PAXBP1"    "PCCA"     
[120] "PCGF6"     "PDPK2P"    "PGS1"      "PHACTR4"   "PIAS1"     "PIP4K2B"   "PIP4K2B"  
[127] "POLB"      "PRKCSH"    "PTK2"      "PTPN7"     "PUS7"      "RAB21"     "RAB27A"   
[134] "RABGAP1L"  "RAD51C"    "RALGAPA1"  "RALGAPB"   "RASGRP3"   "RBBP8"     "RBL1"     
[141] "RBM41"     "REV3L"     "RNPS1"     "RTN4"      "SAP130"    "SCAF8"     "SCARF1"   
[148] "SCARF1"    "SCLT1"     "SGO1"      "SIAE"      "SIRT1"     "SKA3"      "SLAIN1"   
[155] "SLC15A4"   "SLC37A3"   "SLC39A11"  "SLC39A11"  "SLC6A9"    "SLCO4C1"   "SMARCD1"  
[162] "SOS2"      "SPG11"     "SPG7"      "SUPT20H"   "SUZ12P1"   "SYPL1"     "TARS2"    
[169] "TBX21"     "TIAL1"     "TMCC2"     "TMEM209"   "TMEM41B"   "TNFRSF21"  "TNPO2"    
[176] "TOGARAM1"  "TPRA1"     "TRA2B"     "TRAPPC9"   "TRIM33"    "TSC22D1"   "TTPAL"    
[183] "TUT7"      "TXLNG"     "U2AF1"     "UBE2G1"    "UBR3"      "USP31"     "USP6NL"   
[190] "UTRN"      "VPS13A"    "WDPCP"     "WIPI1"     "WIPI2"     "WWC3"      "XPO1"     
[197] "YME1L1"    "ZBTB16"    "ZBTB8OS"   "ZC3H14"    "ZCCHC7"    "ZFX"       "ZFYVE1"   
[204] "ZNF451" 

And the code I have tried to reproduce with them is as follows:

genes1 = trad_genes$SYMBOL
genes2 = genes_pvalue_EA$SYMBOL
gl = list(List = list(genes1, genes2))
gs = gosummaries(gl)
Warning: Please consider using the new package "gprofiler2". At the moment you are using a deprecated package relying on outdated data.
  More information at Feel free to contact us at for further help.

But all I get is a warning and an error. The warning tells me to use "gprofiler2". But I tried to uninstall the "gprofiler" library and use only "gprofiler2" and the "GOsummaries" library doesn't work because it needs the "gprofiler" library. As for the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, I don't know what to do.

I'm new asking on stackoverflow, but if some more information is needed to solve this I'm willing to give anything.

Many thanks in advance.


  • Are you looking for this?

    > gostres_trad_genes <- gprofiler2::gost(trad_genes)
    > gostres_trad_genes$result
        query significant    p_value term_size query_size intersection_size
    1 query_1        TRUE 0.03019194       288         23                 5
    2 query_1        TRUE 0.02249582       257         24                 5
      precision     recall               term_id source
    1 0.2173913 0.01736111 MIRNA:hsa-miR-181d-5p  MIRNA
    2 0.2083333 0.01945525             TF:M01882     TF
                                   term_name effective_domain_size source_order
    1                        hsa-miR-181d-5p                 14846          315
    2 Factor: IRF-2; motif: NNRAAAGTGAAASNNA                 20011         4282
    1 MIRNA:000000
    2    TF:M00000

    enter image description here

    > gostres_genes_pvalue_EAs <- gprofiler2::gost(genes_pvalue_EA)
    > gostres_genes_pvalue_EAs$result |> head()
        query significant      p_value term_size query_size intersection_size
    1 query_1        TRUE 2.825648e-06      1276        184                35
    2 query_1        TRUE 3.576819e-05      1273        184                33
    3 query_1        TRUE 2.517966e-04       191        184                12
    4 query_1        TRUE 6.533390e-04      1811        184                38
    5 query_1        TRUE 7.115125e-04      3562        184                59
    6 query_1        TRUE 1.906513e-03      1019        184                26
       precision     recall    term_id source
    1 0.19021739 0.02742947 GO:0043687  GO:BP
    2 0.17934783 0.02592302 GO:0022402  GO:BP
    3 0.06521739 0.06282723 GO:1901875  GO:BP
    4 0.20652174 0.02098288 GO:0007049  GO:BP
    5 0.32065217 0.01656373 GO:0006996  GO:BP
    6 0.14130435 0.02551521 GO:0070647  GO:BP
    1                        post-translational protein modification
    2                                             cell cycle process
    3 positive regulation of post-translational protein modification
    4                                                     cell cycle
    5                                         organelle organization
    6   protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal
      effective_domain_size source_order                            parents
    1                 21010        11358                         GO:0036211
    2                 21010         6908             GO:0007049, GO:0009987
    3                 21010        22698 GO:0031401, GO:0043687, GO:1901873
    4                 21010         2692                         GO:0009987
    5                 21010         2654                         GO:0016043
    6                 21010        17034                         GO:0043687
    > gprofiler2::gostplot(gostres_genes_pvalue_EAs)

    enter image description here


    > dput(trad_genes)
    c("AKAP7", "ARHGAP5", "ATXN7", "BAZ2A", "CHD6", "CNTLN", "DDX3Y", 
    "ELK4", "ERICH1", "ERICH1", "FKBP8", "GSE1", "HOMER1", "LINC01004", 
    "NCAPG", "NUB1", "PDHX", "POLD1", "RAB3D", "RAD54L2", "SAFB", 
    "SH2B3", "SLC38A1", "SLC39A8", "TXLNGY", "UTY", "ZFY")
    > dput(genes_pvalue_EA)
    c("AAGAB", "AKAP10", "AKAP8L", "AKR1A1", "ANAPC1", "ANKRD26", 
    "ANKRD27", "ANP32B", "AP3B1", "APOOL", "APPL1", "ARHGAP42", "ATAD2", 
    "ATAD5", "ATF7IP2", "ATG4C", "ATL2", "ATRIP", "ATXN3", "B4GALT5", 
    "BAZ1B", "BBS9", "BCLAF3", "BUD23", "C5", "CA13", "CAMTA1", "CAPRIN2", 
    "CBR4", "CCDC88A", "CCDC88C", "CENPH", "CENPI", "CHD2", "COG3", 
    "CPSF2", "CSTF3", "CUL1", "CUL2", "CUL3", "DCAF7", "DDX21", "DDX60", 
    "DHDDS", "DIPK2A", "DMTN", "DNAJC2", "EHBP1", "ELF2", "ELK4", 
    "ERMARD", "ERMARD", "ESPL1", "FAM168B", "FAM193A", "FAM216A", 
    "FANCM", "FBXO33", "FBXW7", "FKBP3", "FOXJ3", "FRMD4A", "FUNDC1", 
    "GIMAP8", "GLS", "GLYR1", "GRHPR", "GTF2IP1", "GTPBP10", "HECTD2", 
    "HIP1", "IKZF1", "ITGB3BP", "KATNAL1", "KDM3B", "KDM4C", "KHDC4", 
    "KHDRBS1", "KIAA2026", "KIF24", "LDLRAD4", "LINC00910", "MAP3K5", 
    "MAP4K5", "MAPK9", "MARCHF3", "METTL25", "MLH3", "MMS19", "MYCBP2", 
    "MYO19", "MYO19", "MYO9A", "MYSM1", "NAA15", "NBAS", "NBEAL1", 
    "NCAPD3", "NCEH1", "NCOR2", "NEDD4L", "NEK9", "NEMF", "NIPBL", 
    "NMRAL1", "NMRAL1", "NMRK1", "NPEPPS", "NPLOC4", "NSD2", "NSUN6", 
    "NUP43", "NUP88", "OTUD7B", "PACRGL", "PAM", "PAXBP1", "PAXBP1", 
    "PCCA", "PCGF6", "PDPK2P", "PGS1", "PHACTR4", "PIAS1", "PIP4K2B", 
    "PIP4K2B", "POLB", "PRKCSH", "PTK2", "PTPN7", "PUS7", "RAB21", 
    "RAB27A", "RABGAP1L", "RAD51C", "RALGAPA1", "RALGAPB", "RASGRP3", 
    "RBBP8", "RBL1", "RBM41", "REV3L", "RNPS1", "RTN4", "SAP130", 
    "SCAF8", "SCARF1", "SCARF1", "SCLT1", "SGO1", "SIAE", "SIRT1", 
    "SKA3", "SLAIN1", "SLC15A4", "SLC37A3", "SLC39A11", "SLC39A11", 
    "SLC6A9", "SLCO4C1", "SMARCD1", "SOS2", "SPG11", "SPG7", "SUPT20H", 
    "SUZ12P1", "SYPL1", "TARS2", "TBX21", "TIAL1", "TMCC2", "TMEM209", 
    "TMEM41B", "TNFRSF21", "TNPO2", "TOGARAM1", "TPRA1", "TRA2B", 
    "TRAPPC9", "TRIM33", "TSC22D1", "TTPAL", "TUT7", "TXLNG", "U2AF1", 
    "UBE2G1", "UBR3", "USP31", "USP6NL", "UTRN", "VPS13A", "WDPCP", 
    "WIPI1", "WIPI2", "WWC3", "XPO1", "YME1L1", "ZBTB16", "ZBTB8OS", 
    "ZC3H14", "ZCCHC7", "ZFX", "ZFYVE1", "ZNF451")