I'm looking for an alternative to eval when declaring functions that include variables in the name. Function names must have a fixed scheme since they're intended to be used in a PKGBUILD. Example:
for I in ${pkgname[@]};do eval "package_$I(){
[ $I = pkg1 ] && echo $I specific stuff
[ $I = pkg2 ] && echo $I specific stuff
[ $I = pkg3 ] && echo $I specific stuff
echo common stuff
echo common stuff
Expected output:
pkg1 specific stuff
common stuff
common stuff
pkg2 specific stuff
common stuff
common stuff
pkg3 specific stuff
common stuff
common stuff
Works as needed, except that (from what I was told) eval is not safe to use in this way. What are the alternatives that Bash has to offer?
Edit: Fully working PKGBUILD
Edit 2: Bash script with output
Edit 3: Noted intended use case
I ended up moving the code outside of eval:
[ $pkgname = pkg1 ] && echo pkg1 specific stuff
[ $pkgname = pkg2 ] && echo pkg2 specific stuff
[ $pkgname = pkg3 ] && echo pkg3 specific stuff
echo common stuff
echo common stuff
for i in ${pkgname[@]};do eval "package_$i(){ _package;}";done
This however only works inside a PKGBUILD and will not work with Bash, for which you should take a look into @CharlesDuffy's answer.