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Streaming a response with LangChain in JavaScript

I am writing a little application in JavaScript using the LangChain library. I have the following snippet:

/* LangChain Imports */
import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";
import { BufferMemory } from "langchain/memory";
import { ConversationChain } from "langchain/chains";

// ========================================================================================= //
  // ============= Use LangChain to send request to OpenAi API =============================== //
  // ========================================================================================= //

  const openAILLMOptions = {
    modelName: chatModel.value,
    openAIApiKey: decryptedString,
    temperature: parseFloat(temperatureValue.value),
    topP: parseFloat(topP.value),
    maxTokens: parseInt(maxTokens.value),
    stop: stopSequences.value.length > 0 ? stopSequences.value : null,
    streaming: true,

  const model = new OpenAI(openAILLMOptions);
  const memory = new BufferMemory();
  const chain = new ConversationChain({ llm: model, memory: memory });

  try {
    const response = await{ input: content.value, signal: signal }, undefined,

          handleLLMNewToken(token) {

// handle the response


This does not work (I tried both using the token via TypeScript and without typing). I have scoured various forums and they are either implementing streaming with Python or their solution is not relevant to this problem. So to summarize, I can successfully pull the response from OpenAI via the LangChain ConversationChain() API call, but I can’t stream the response. Is there a solution?


  • For reference here is how I got streaming working:

    const openAILLMOptions = {
        modelName: chatModel.value,
        cache: true,
        openAIApiKey: openAIDecryptedString,
        temperature: parseFloat(temperatureValue.value),
        topP: parseFloat(topP.value),
        maxTokens: parseInt(maxTokens.value),
        stop: stopSequences.value.length > 0 ? stopSequences.value : null,
        streaming: true,
        verbose: true,
    const chat = new ChatOpenAI(openAILLMOptions);
          const chatPrompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([
            new MessagesPlaceholder("history"),
            ["human", content.value],
          const chain = new ConversationChain({
            memory: new BufferMemory({ returnMessages: true, memoryKey: "history" }),
            prompt: chatPrompt,
            llm: chat,
            input: content.value,
            signal: signal,
            callbacks: [
                handleLLMNewToken(token) {
                  aiResponse.value += token;