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How do you find or locate just part of the JSON Key name

I am having a hard time getting the JSON Key name. Because the whole name is not fixed. I would like to get the media_id_ but the problem is the numbers next to it is not fixed/static.The goal I am trying achieve here is that I want to get the value of the mediaFit but I can't because I have no idea how to find the media_id_xxx.

"media_id_1696320854359": {
  "resourceId": "HzXvCFvKQWrf9hpfMi2u3smsvziXpz2Vazvr",
  "groupId": "9ff31635-b440-41b2-b147-792aed6e5529",
  "orignalId": "HzXvCFvKQWrf9hpfMi2u3smsvziXpz2Vazvr",
  "orignalWidth": 1584,
  "orignalHeight": 1920,
  "horizontal": {
    "height": 1080,
    "width": 891,
    "top": 0,
    "left": 514.5
  "vertical": {},
  "custom": {},
  "type": "img",
  "kenBurns": "forced",
  "mediaFit": "fill",
  "mediaAlign": "center",
  "tags": [],
  "name": "helmet.jpg",
  "height": 1920,
  "width": 1584,
  "modifiedAt": "2023-09-28T14:52:31.214Z",
  "userId": "9ff31635-b440-41b2-b147-792aed6e5529",

Here is my code. This is pretty messy because I keep checking. Pardon.

JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(templatePreviewElements.getPreviewSrcUrl().getAttribute("text"));

JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("pages");

for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
  JSONObject jsonObject2 = jsonObject.getJSONArray("pages").getJSONObject(i);
  for (Object key: jsonObject2.keySet()) {
    //based on you key types
    String keyStr = (String)key;
    Object keyvalue = jsonObject2.get(keyStr);
    //Print key and value
    System.out.println("key: " + keyStr + " value: " + keyvalue);

    if (keyStr.contains("media_id")) {
      String actualEffect = jsonObject.getJSONArray("pages")
      System.out.println("Actual Selected Text Effect: " + actualEffect);
      System.out.println("Expected Selected Text Effect: " + mediaEffect);
      assertEquals(actualEffect, mediaEffect);


  • You seem to have found a way to identifiy the correct propertyname already, but you don't use that propertyname

    if (keyStr.contains("media_id")) {
      String actualEffect = jsonObject.getJSONArray("pages")
        .getJSONObject("media_id")  //this will retrieve an object with the key "media_id", which doesn't exist

    You of course must use keyString here instead of "media_id" to get the correct object

    if (keyStr.contains("media_id")) {
      String actualEffect = jsonObject.getJSONArray("pages")

    Furthermore, you already have isolated the correct wrapper object (ie jsonObject2) and even the correct mediaIdObject (ie keyvalue) here. So there is no need you start from scratch again, ie you can just do

    if (keyStr.contains("media_id")) {
      String actualEffect = ((JSONObject)keyvalue).getString("mediaFit");

    here, if the key fits the condition.