I have 2 components A and B with their own translation files, and a shared translation file that should be used as a fallback. How to get it to work with I18nextProvider
Note that there is already a separate fallback translation file defined fallbackNS: 'common'
and I do not want to add the shared file there, it must only be shared between these 2 components.
I tried this:
<I18nextProvider i18n={i18n} defaultNS={['A', 'shared']}>
<A />
<I18nextProvider i18n={i18n} defaultNS={['B', 'shared']}>
<B />
But it would always try to get the translation from the namespace in the first element in the array.
I don't understand what's the point of allowing array as an argument in this case? When would any other than the first element be used in localization?
Figures I find the answer as soon as I speak it out in public...
const {t} = useTranslation(undefined, {nsMode: 'fallback'});
Basically nsMode has to be fallback. Now just to figure out how to make it the default.
EDIT: to set default:
react: {
nsMode: 'fallback'