For unit-testing Storybook's component stories with React there is the composeStory
function from the @testing-library/react
module (docs).
How can this be done in Svelte?
I made it work in the following way:
import {test, expect} from 'vitest';
import Meta, {Default, WithInteractions} from './Component.stories';
import {render, waitFor} from '@testing-library/svelte';
test('Can test stories', async () => {
const {container} = render(Meta.component, {...Meta.args, ...Default.args});
await waitFor(() => {
.map((node) => node.getAttribute('aria-label'))).toEqual([
'Something more',
'Something else',
'Something again',
test('With interactions', async () => {
const {container} = render(Meta.component, WithInteractions.args);
await{canvasElement: container});
await waitFor(() => {
expect(container.querySelector('.TASK_PINNED #pinTask-1')).toBeVisible();
expect(container.querySelector('.TASK_PINNED #pinTask-3')).toBeVisible();
expect(container.querySelector('.TASK_INBOX #pinTask-2')).toBeVisible();
expect(container.querySelector('.TASK_INBOX #pinTask-4')).toBeVisible();