I am working on a load testing script using Gatling for a website, and I've encountered a 403 Forbidden error in the response, even after adding the necessary cookie for authentication. I've double-checked the cookie, headers, and the URL, but I'm still unable to resolve this issue.
package assignment7;
import static io.gatling.javaapi.core.CoreDsl.*;
import static io.gatling.javaapi.http.HttpDsl.*;
import io.gatling.javaapi.core.*;
import io.gatling.javaapi.http.*;
public class AssignmentSimulation extends Simulation {
// http config
private HttpProtocolBuilder httpProtocol = http
.acceptHeader("application/json, text/plain, */*")
.acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate, br")
.userAgentHeader("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/117.0.2045.47");
// Scenario definition
private ScenarioBuilder scn = scenario("Load Testing")
.exec(http("Accessing Website")
.exec(addCookie(Cookie("stgoauth", "ZW1haWw6ZGFybGFAa2FsaWJyci5jb20gdXNlcjo=")
.exec(session -> {
int responseStatus = session.getInt("status"); // Retrieve the saved response status
System.out.println("Response Code: " + responseStatus);
return session;
//load simulation
I would greatly appreciate any guidance or insights on why I'm still receiving a 403 error despite adding the cookie correctly. Is there anything else I might be missing or any common pitfalls in Gatling that I should be aware of? Thank you in advance for your help!
I changed the order of the scenario. Setting cookies first before accessing the website.
private ScenarioBuilder scn = scenario("Load Testing")
.exec(addCookie(Cookie("stgoauth", "ZW1haWw6ZGFybGFAa2FsaWJyci5jb20gdXNlcjo=")
.exec(http("Accessing Website")
.exec(session -> {
int responseStatus = session.getInt("status"); // Retrieve the saved response status
System.out.println("Response Code: " + responseStatus);
return session;