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Script not accessing Files and Folders in a shared Drive

I am listed as a manager on a shared drive in our organisation. I can view, open and edit the files and folders in Google Drive using the browser. The folder I am interested in contains 2 folders and a number of various filetypes.

I am using Apps Script in Google Sheets to get a list of files and folders that meet certain conditions. When I tried to get a list of the files and folders from my target folder using Google Drive API (V2), the script could see 0 files and 0 folders. When I used the built-in DriveApp service, it timed out for what I was trying to achieve; so thought Google Drive API should hopefully be quicker. I can confirm that DriveApp could see the folder titles - I used that for testing in the Logger log.

This test code is supposed to return the number of folders in a given folder (and confirm the account used). Can anyone advise why I am getting the number of folders return as 0 even though I have organizer-level permissions, the Drive Service active and the correct Folder ID ? There are definitely 2 folders in my test target that I have permissions for and am not getting any error messages.

function countFolderFolders() {
// Create a Drive API client
  var folderId = 'ABCD123';  // AMEND to suit
  var driveApi;
  try {
    driveApi = Drive.Files.list({
    q: "'" + folderId + "' in parents and trashed = false and mimeType = 'application/'", // Query - count folders in the specified folder
    maxResults: 1000
  } catch (e) {
    Logger.log('Drive API Error: ' + e.toString());

  if (driveApi && driveApi.items) {
  // Count the number of folders
    var folderCount = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < driveApi.items.length; i++) {
      var item = driveApi.items[i];
      if (item.mimeType === "application/") {

    Logger.log('The number of folders in the folder with the ID "' + folderId + '" is: ' + folderCount);
  } else {
    Logger.log('No folders found or error occurred.');

function testAccount() {
  var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
  Logger.log('The script is being run under the account: ' + email);


  • In your showing script, how about the following modification?


    driveApi = Drive.Files.list({
    q: "'" + folderId + "' in parents and trashed = false and mimeType = 'application/'", // Query - count folders in the specified folder
    maxResults: 1000


    driveApi = Drive.Files.list({
      q: "'" + folderId + "' in parents and trashed = false and mimeType = 'application/'", // Query - count folders in the specified folder
      maxResults: 1000,
      corpora: "allDrives",
      includeItemsFromAllDrives: true,
      supportsAllDrives: true


    • In this case, it supposes that you have permission to read the files and folders from the shared drive. Please be careful about this.

    • By the way, from your search query of "'" + folderId + "' in parents and trashed = false and mimeType = 'application/'", in this case, only the folders are retrieved. So, I thought that the following modification might be able to be used.

      • From

        if (driveApi && driveApi.items) {
        // Count the number of folders
          var folderCount = 0;
          for (var i = 0; i < driveApi.items.length; i++) {
            var item = driveApi.items[i];
            if (item.mimeType === "application/") {
          Logger.log('The number of folders in the folder with the ID "' + folderId + '" is: ' + folderCount);
        } else {
          Logger.log('No folders found or error occurred.');
      • To

        if (driveApi && driveApi.items) {
        // Count the number of folders
          var folderCount = driveApi.items.length;
          Logger.log('The number of folders in the folder with the ID "' + folderId + '" is: ' + folderCount);
        } else {
          Logger.log('No folders found or error occurred.');
