If I have a dataset that is structured like this:
cat1 time var_1 var_2 var_3
0 pre 8 12 7
0 post 3 2 9
1 pre 6 11 1
1 post 9 4 8
How can I reshape it to look like this:
0pre 1pre 0post 1post
var_1 8 6 3 9
var_2 12 11 2 4
var_3 7 1 9 8
I'm trying different things with proc transpose but can't figure it out.
Seems simple enough.
Just need ID and VAR statements.
But don't list CAT1 first since variable names cannot START with a digit.
proc transpose data=have out=want delim=_;
id time cat1;
var var_1-var_3 ;
Obs _NAME_ pre_0 post_0 pre_1 post_1
1 var_1 8 3 6 9
2 var_2 12 2 11 4
3 var_3 7 9 1 8