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Reshape SAS data set

If I have a dataset that is structured like this:

cat1  time    var_1   var_2   var_3
0     pre      8      12      7
0     post     3      2       9
1     pre      6      11      1
1     post     9      4       8

How can I reshape it to look like this:

          0pre   1pre   0post   1post
var_1      8     6        3      9
var_2      12    11       2      4
var_3      7     1        9      8

I'm trying different things with proc transpose but can't figure it out.


  • Seems simple enough.
    Just need ID and VAR statements. But don't list CAT1 first since variable names cannot START with a digit.

    proc transpose data=have out=want delim=_;
      id time cat1;
      var var_1-var_3 ;


    Obs    _NAME_    pre_0    post_0    pre_1    post_1
     1     var_1        8        3         6        9
     2     var_2       12        2        11        4
     3     var_3        7        9         1        8