I recently upgraded my Visual Studio 2022
to Version 17.7.4
and since then (I think), whenever I am trying to debug my application, the debugger is stepping into native C#
library code like StringBuilder.cs
and DateTime.cs
So whenever it is encountering DateTime.Now
, it goes into DateTime.cs
and if it encounters formatted string, it is going into String.cs
, StringBuilderCache.cs
and StringBuilder.cs
Am I missing anything or is it the new Visual Studio
feature/option which I can disable?
I would really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.
Thank you!
I am not sure what to do.
I was finally able to resolve this by enabling Just my code debugging option from Tools -> Options -> Debugging General -> Enable Just My Code.
I accidently disabled it from the Visual Studio pop-up with option to disable Just My Code debugging.