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Karate framework's special tags @env/@envnot do not consider env value from karate-config.js

I have a karate feature file as below -

Feature: Feature file 

Scenario: runs only when karate.env is 'dev'
* print 'karate.env is:', env

Scenario: never runs in perf or prod
* print 'karate.env is:', env

And setting env value in karate-config.js as below -

var env = karate.env; // get system property 'karate.env'
karate.log('karate.env system property was:', env);
if (!env) {
 env = 'dev';
karate.log('karate.env system property was:', env);

But when executing from feature file or runner, it takes karate.env as null unless we run via the command line.

09:15:22.988 [main] INFO - karate.env system property was: null 
09:15:22.988 [main] INFO - karate.env system property was: dev 
09:15:23.019 [main] INFO - [print] karate.env is: dev 

But running from the command line (mvn test "-Dkarate.env=dev") it works -

09:16:55.118 karate.env system property was: dev 
09:16:55.133 karate.env system property was: dev 
09:16:55.165 [print] karate.env is: dev

Should not scenarios be picked based on the env value instead of "karate.env"?


  • This is by design. You cannot modify karate.env once you have kicked off your test suite.

    The example you have used for karate-config.js is just a convenience to set a local variable called env that can be used within the JS block. It does not live beyond karate-config.js.