I'm tring to solve "EULER's conjecture on sums of like powers" problem for fun. Fun.
My goal is below.
I almost finished, But generator part is problem.
my code is below.
from pqdm.processes import pqdm # this is parallel package.
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement, chain
from math import pow
max_iter = 1+4
max_a = 1000
nk_pairs = {
(combinations_with_replacement(range(1, max_a), r=n), k)
for k in range(1, max_iter)
for n in range(1, k+1)
# ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ this line is the problem.
def clear_root(val, k):
""" define val is k power of integer """
_ = pow(val, 1/k)
if int(_) == _:
return True
return False
def func(array, k):
sum_ = sum([pow(x, k) for x in array])
if clear_root(sum_, k):
return array, k
pqdm(nk_pairs, func, n_jobs=24)
All combinations are generated by generator, but, nested generator doesn't fit for parallel functions.
How can I make this nested generator to un-nested?
doesn't recognize nested iterators/generators. To make that work you would need to build a single generator as shown below (for sample max_a = 100
from pqdm.processes import pqdm # this is parallel package.
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement, chain
from math import pow
max_iter = 1+4
max_a = 100
def nk_pairs_gen():
for k in range(1, max_iter):
for n in range(1, k + 1):
for c in combinations_with_replacement(range(1, max_a), r=n):
yield (c, k)
def clear_root(val, k):
""" define val is k power of integer """
_ = pow(val, 1/k)
return int(_) == _
def func(arr, k):
if clear_root(sum(pow(x, k) for x in arr), k):
return arr, k
res = pqdm(nk_pairs_gen(), func, n_jobs=12, argument_type='args')
Note, that res
would contain a lot of None
values as returned by func
function, to filter them out use:
res = list(filter(None, pqdm(nk_pairs_gen(), func, n_jobs=12, argument_type='args')))
The output:
QUEUEING TASKS | : 4598121it [01:34, 48869.83it/s]
PROCESSING TASKS | : 100%|██████████| 4598121/4598121 [11:28<00:00, 6679.72it/s]
COLLECTING RESULTS | : 100%|██████████| 4598121/4598121 [01:09<00:00, 65887.49it/s]
Considering that pqdm
might in classical way pass each single combination to a separate process, which is not efficient, a more optimal way would be to yield the entire set of combinations for a given k
passed to a processing function modified for multiple combinations (run in a separate process). Sample on max_a = 200
max_iter = 1+4
max_a = 200
def nk_pairs_gen():
for k in range(1, max_iter):
for n in range(1, k + 1):
yield (combinations_with_replacement(range(1, max_a), r=n), k)
def clear_root(val, k):
""" define val is k power of integer """
_ = pow(val, 1/k)
return int(_) == _
def main_func(combs, k):
return [(c, k) for c in combs
if clear_root(sum(pow(x, k) for x in c), k)]
res = list(chain.from_iterable(pqdm(nk_pairs_gen(), main_func, n_jobs=12, argument_type='args')))
QUEUEING TASKS | : 10it [00:00, 530.94it/s]
PROCESSING TASKS | : 100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:57<00:00, 5.73s/it]
COLLECTING RESULTS | : 100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 202623.38it/s]
[((1,), 1), ((2,), 1), ((3,), 1), ((4,), 1), ((5,), 1), ((6,), 1), ((7,), 1), ((8,), 1), ((9,), 1), ((10,), 1), ((11,), 1), ((12,), 1), ((13,), 1), ((14,), 1), ((15,), 1), ((16,), 1), ((17,), 1), ((18,), 1), ((19,), 1), ((20,), 1), ((21,), 1), ((22,), 1), ((23,), 1), ((24,), 1), ((25,), 1), ((26,), 1), ((27,), 1), ((28,), 1), ((29,), 1), ((30,), 1)]