I have a little problem. i should implement a logic for a treeList which consist from a single parent and more children grouped into more groups by ID's.
I have an action which treats all nodes:
long callerGroup = -1L;
if (callerNode != null)
var service = this.tlServices.GetDataRecordByNode(callerNode) as __ServiceInfo;
if (service != null)
callerGroup = service.Group;
Action<TreeListNodes> action = null;
action = (nodes) =>
if (nodes != null && nodes.Count > 0)
foreach (TreeListNode node in nodes)
if (node.Level == 0 && !node.Checked)
node.Checked = true;
var service = this.tlServices.GetDataRecordByNode(node) as __ServiceInfo;
if (service != null)
var group = service.Group;
//for ' 1 <= group <= 100' -> Mandatory Service, only ONE from group
if (callerGroup >= 1 && callerGroup <= 100)
if (group >= 1 && group <= 100)
//node.Checked = true; - not done
//for ' 101 <= group <= 1000 ' -> Mandatory Service, minimum ONE from group, but allow and MORE
if (callerGroup >= 101 && callerGroup <= 1000)
//for ' group >= 1001 ' -> optional Service, ALL from group
if (callerGroup >= 1001 && group >= 1001)
node.Checked = !node.Checked; // --> DONE.
I have 3 cases:
Result: The #3 I've done easy, but how can i implement #1.
for #1 i found an implementation:
//for ' 1 <= group <= 100' -> Mandatory Service, only ONE from group
if (callerGroup >= 1 && callerGroup <= 100)
if (group >= 1 && group <= 100)
foreach (TreeListNode nd in nodes)
var svc = this.tlServices.GetDataRecordByNode(nd) as __ServiceInfo;
long gr = svc.Group;
if (gr == callerGroup && nd.Checked == true)
nd.Checked = false;