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StateNotifer is providing intial state value (bool) in riverpod

Hi I am using riverpod to check internet connectivity across the app however the state notifier is giving intial state value only or shoul I saw its value is not changing. Also yes I am updating state you can see it in the code.


import 'package:internet_connection_checker_plus/internet_connection_checker_plus.dart';
import 'package:riverpod/riverpod.dart';

class ConnectivityStatusNotifier extends StateNotifier<bool> {
  ConnectivityStatusNotifier() : super(false);

  void checkInternet() {
    final listener =
        InternetConnection().onStatusChange.listen((InternetStatus status) {
      if (status == InternetStatus.connected) {
        state = true;
        state = false;

final connectivityProvider =
    StateNotifierProvider<ConnectivityStatusNotifier, bool>((ref) {
  return ConnectivityStatusNotifier();

In HomeScreen.dart:

final internet =;

final Widget floatingActionButton = FloatingActionButton(
      onPressed: () {
      child: const Icon(,


whether the internet is connected or not its always false

I tried this with connectivity_plus package as well but it also didn't worked. I have also tried this also didn't worked,this one also provides inital state as well which is connectivitystatus.connected.


  • First of all, when using the internet_connection_checker_plus package, you need to give permissions on the platforms:

    -> Android

    Add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

    -> macOS

    Add the following permissions to your macOS .entitlements files:


    Then I rethought your code a bit and wrote another one, more reactive and using Notifier instead of the legacy StateNotifier:

    final connectivityProvider = NotifierProvider<ConnectivityStatusNotifier, bool>(,
    class ConnectivityStatusNotifier extends Notifier<bool> {
      late InternetConnection _internetConnection;
      bool build() {
        _internetConnection = InternetConnection();
        final stream = _internetConnection.onStatusChange.listen(_statusListener);
        ref.onDispose(() {
        return false;
      void _statusListener(InternetStatus status) {
        switch (status) {
          case InternetStatus.connected:
            state = true;
          case InternetStatus.disconnected:
            state = false;

    Now you can do something in the interface to just listen for changes to the connectivityProvider. If desired, you can add an action button to snack:

    class MyApp extends ConsumerWidget {
      const MyApp({super.key});
      Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
        ref.listen(connectivityProvider, (_, isConnected) {
          if (!isConnected) {
              const SnackBar(content: Text('No internet connection')),
        return const Text('Next are other widgets');

    It's not very clear in your code when you call checkInternet. The problem is that if you call it several times without canceling the previous subscription, you will get a small memory leak :) I assume that maybe you forgot to call this function altogether)