I thought logically this would work, but I think there is something I'm missing here. I have a set commands stored as macros. The main command is a string that takes two parameters, and the parameters it takes are other defines ranging between integers 0-6.
#define SET_COMMAND(mode,parameter) "COMMAND=" #mode "," #paramater "\r"
#define MODE_0 1
#define MODE_1 2
#define MODE_2 3
#define MODE_3 4
#define MODE_4 5
#define MODE_5 6
#define PARAMETER_0 0
#define PARAMETER_1 1
Then forming the command in run run time:
const char *command = AT_SET_BT_SECURITY(MODE_0, PARAMETER_0);
Then monitoring my serial port the following is printed:
When I would have expected:
I've tried removing the #
from mode
and parameter
however this still produces the same result.
The solution is to nest the macro:
#define SET_COMMAND(mode,parameter) SET_COMMAND_(mode, parameter)
#define SET_COMMAND_(mode,parameter) "COMMAND=" #mode "," #parameter "\r"
Or, a popular option is a separate macro that does the stringification:
#define STR(...) STR_(__VA_ARGS__)
#define STR_(...) #__VA_ARGS__
#define SET_COMMAND(mode,parameter) "COMMAND=" STR(mode) "," STR(parameter) "\r"