I have this data frame, I need to use Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) Interpolation. I have checked but I can't find a way to do it, what I want is a heat map with the IDW method for water pH data taken in that place.
dflima<-getData("GADM",country="PER", level=3) %>% st_as_sf() %>% filter(NAME_2=="Lima")
long <- c(-77.0958901385, -76.7059862868, -77.0490377322, -77.0082420569, -77.029088411, -76.8875419285)
lat <- c(-11.702568503, -12.2926462918, -12.0510554271, -11.8780894556, -12.1207933935, -12.2201247629)
ph <- c(7.64, 7.66, 7.71, 8.10, 8.22, 8.29)
I tried to make a density plot but it's not what I really want.
df %>% ggplot() +
stat_density2d(aes(x=df1$long, y=df1$lat, fill =..level..),bins=5 ,geom = "polygon")+
scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral")+
geom_sf(data=dflima ,col = "#000000",alpha=0)
I even did the interpolation (in a square area) but I couldn't overlay it on the graph with the shape of the map:
I want something similar to this graph:
If you can help me I would be grateful.
Not sure what issues you had with interpolation, though here's one simplified approach. Here we'll use sf
and stars
raster grid with idw()
, result will also be a stars
dflima <-
gadm(country="PER", level=3) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
filter(NAME_2=="Lima") %>%
long <- c(-77.0958901385, -76.7059862868, -77.0490377322, -77.0082420569, -77.029088411, -76.8875419285)
lat <- c(-11.702568503, -12.2926462918, -12.0510554271, -11.8780894556, -12.1207933935, -12.2201247629)
ph <- c(7.64, 7.66, 7.71, 8.10, 8.22, 8.29)
df <-data.frame(long,lat,ph)
# look for projected crs suggestions
crsuggest::suggest_crs(dflima, limit = 3)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#> crs_code crs_name crs_type crs_gcs crs_units crs_proj4
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 5387 Peru96 / UTM zone 18S projected 5373 m +proj=utm +zo…
#> 2 24892 PSAD56 / Peru central zone projected 4248 m +proj=tmerc +…
#> 3 24878 PSAD56 / UTM zone 18S projected 4248 m +proj=utm +zo…
# transform points and shapes from lat/lon to EPSG:5387, this will also be the
# projection for grid and IDW results
crs <- st_crs("EPSG:5387")
lima_3857 <- st_transform(dflima, crs)
ph_3857 <- st_as_sf(df, coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = "WGS84") %>% st_transform(crs)
# grid for IDW, cropped by lima_3857 shape (resulting raster is shaped like Lima)
# dx is grid cell size, controls raster resolution
grd <-
st_bbox(lima_3857) %>%
st_as_stars(dx = 200) %>%
# interpolate
ph_idw <- idw(ph~1, ph_3857, grd)
#> [inverse distance weighted interpolation]
# plot
ggplot() +
geom_stars(data = ph_idw, aes(fill = var1.pred)) +
geom_sf(data=lima_3857 ,col = "#000000",alpha=0) +
geom_sf(data = ph_3857, aes(fill = ph), shape = 21, size = 2, color = "white", stroke = 1) +
geom_sf_label(data = ph_3857, aes(label = ph), alpha = .8, nudge_x = 6e3, nudge_y = 5e3) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = "transparent", name = "ph_idw")
Created on 2023-10-03 with reprex v2.0.2