I'm trying to deploy a basic PHP website in vercel. The structure is like:
/index.php -- main page, generic menu in the middle
/index.php?page=contact_us --> `require`s "contact_us.html" in the center of index.php
/index.php?page=about_us --> `require`s "about_us.html" in the center of index.php
Index.php looks like this:
<html><head><!-- header html here --></head>
if($_GET['page'] == 'about_us'){
require "pages/about_us.html"
require "pages/menu.html";
<!-- footer components here -->
This structure lets me have a page where I don't have to repeat the header and footer. The vercel.json looks like this:
"version": 2,
"functions": {
"api/index.php": {
"runtime": "[email protected]"
"routes": [
"src": "/(css|js|img)/(.*)$",
"dest": "/api/assets.php?type=$1&file=$2"
"src": "/page.php?page=(.*)$",
"dest": "/api/index.php?page=$1" <--- this doesn't work
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "/api/index.php"
I've tried tons of different combinations, e.g.:
with a question mark throwing off the regex? nope/p/(.*)
and then dest to api/index.php?page=$1
nopesrc: /about_us
and dest /api/index.php?page=about_us
nopeNone of these work. Any help?
You can try with this:
"src": "/page\\.php(.*)",
"dest": "/api/index\\.php$1"
// OR
"src": "/page\\.php\\?page=(.*)",
"dest": "/api/index\\.php\\?page=$1"
will redirect to /api/index.php?page=contact_us
The real issue here is that the documentation lacks an important information: escaping special chars should be done not only in src
but also in dest
The following characters
are used for regex path matching, so when used in the source as non-special values they must be escaped by adding \ before them. Reference: https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/redirects#regex-path-matching
Anyway, routes
is deprecated and you should use rewrites
: https://vercel.com/docs/projects/project-configuration#upgrading-legacy-routes
Here you can find hint on why you need to "double-escape" the dot using routes
: https://vercel.com/docs/projects/project-configuration#legacy-pattern-matching