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Simple PHP page routing + requires in Vercel

I'm trying to deploy a basic PHP website in vercel. The structure is like:

/index.php -- main page, generic menu in the middle

/index.php?page=contact_us --> `require`s "contact_us.html" in the center of index.php
/index.php?page=about_us --> `require`s "about_us.html" in the center of index.php

Index.php looks like this:

<html><head><!-- header html here --></head>
    if($_GET['page'] == 'about_us'){
        require "pages/about_us.html"
        require "pages/menu.html";
<!-- footer components here -->

This structure lets me have a page where I don't have to repeat the header and footer. The vercel.json looks like this:

    "version": 2,
    "functions": {
        "api/index.php": {
            "runtime": "[email protected]"
    "routes": [
        "src": "/(css|js|img)/(.*)$",
        "dest": "/api/assets.php?type=$1&file=$2"
        "src": "/page.php?page=(.*)$",
        "dest": "/api/index.php?page=$1" <--- this doesn't work
        "src": "/(.*)",  
        "dest": "/api/index.php" 

I've tried tons of different combinations, e.g.:

  • Could it be the php? with a question mark throwing off the regex? nope
  • Could I do src: /p/(.*) and then dest to api/index.php?page=$1 nope
  • Could I do just plain old src: /about_us and dest /api/index.php?page=about_us nope

None of these work. Any help?


  • You can try with this:

      "src": "/page\\.php(.*)",
      "dest": "/api/index\\.php$1"
    // OR
      "src": "/page\\.php\\?page=(.*)",
      "dest": "/api/index\\.php\\?page=$1"

    /page.php?page=contact_us will redirect to /api/index.php?page=contact_us.

    The real issue here is that the documentation lacks an important information: escaping special chars should be done not only in src but also in dest.

    The following characters (, ), {, }, :, *, +, ? are used for regex path matching, so when used in the source as non-special values they must be escaped by adding \ before them. Reference:

    Anyway, routes is deprecated and you should use rewrites:

    Here you can find hint on why you need to "double-escape" the dot using routes: