does iPhone simulator calendar store "availability" correctly for an event?
I've got a test app that populates the iPhone simulator calendar with events, but I'm noting that the availability property seems to be always FREE when reading it back using EKEventKit.
Anyone know if there a known problem here?
Also I note when running the SimpleEKDemo apple sample application, that when it brings up the EKEventKitUI screen to view/edit an event, that I don't see the "availability" field. Not sure why. On the actual physical iPhone it appears fine.
Have a look at my answer here. All simulator calendar information is stored in an sqlite database within the simulator's files.
EDIT: I took a look at the structure of the database, and found a value for availability: .
It looks like the simulator saves this information. Try adding an event in your application and explore the database to see if the availability value is set. Failing that, your best option is to try a real device.